chapter 28

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-Niall's POV-

"Who the fuck is Derek?"

I woke up in the middle of the night last night.

I'd carried Emily to bed with me because I didn't want her to sleep on the couch.

So I'd laid in bed and watched TV, taking every few moments to admire her and her beauty. How peaceful she was in her sleep.

So beautiful.

I began to run my thumb over her temple and she started to murmur.

I couldn't makeout what she was saying for a few minutes, then she started speaking clearly.

She was saying a name.


Over and over again. Tears formed in the inside corners of her eyes.

Who was Derek?

Whoever he was, she missed him.

She looked at me, her whole body completely still.

She showed no emotion. She was blank.

I thought she only loved me. And I gave her my damn virginity. Are you fucking serious?

"You whispered 'Derek' in your sleep. I don't know who he is, but you obviously miss him. If you miss him so fucking much, go get him. Because I'm not dealing with this shit,"

I ran my fingers through my un-styled dyed blonde hair.

I turned away from her and started to walk away, leaving her there to be silent.

I walked to the stairs and turned glance back at her. I didn't see her standing where she was before. I furrowed my brow and looked around for her.

I glanced down to see her crumpled on the floor with a shaking head in her hands. Saying 'no' over and over again. Sniffling every couple of seconds.

I felt myself step towards her but I stopped myself. No.

I can't comfort her. She betrayed me. For all I know she's talking to this guy. Maybe she loves him.

Maybe this is the end of me and Emily.

I turned around and walked up the stairs, leaving her there to cry to herself.

-Emily's POV-

I couldn't help it. I was frozen. I could feel him walking away from me after he yelled in my face.

I could feel my tears hitting my chest as they rolled off my chin, but I didn't care to wipe them.

My knees became weak and I fell to the ground, burying my face in my hands.

I tried to stop myself from crying but I can't.

I can feel Niall's eyes burning holes in my back, but soon that feeling is relieved. He left me.

There's nothing I can do but sit here, and cry.

-Caia's POV-

I woke up this morning refreshed and happy. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face with my Biore icy fresh facewash, taking my time. I brushed teeth and used my whitening strips, as I threw my hair into a bad messy bun. I don't care. I have on a big t-shirt and shorts. I moisturized my face and left the bathroom, hopping down the stairs.

Maybe I'll find Emily and Niall making me breakfast, or hopefully I won't be interrupting anything.. As if they didn't do enough yesterday. Jeez.

I got to the last stair and my eyes caught a curled up girl on the ground.

I ran over to her pulled her head up so I could see her eyes. She's been crying.

"Emily. Emily. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I pulled her up and set her on the couch.

I ran to the refrigerator and grabbed an ice pack. I brought it over to her and set in on her head. I grabbed her a bottle of water.

She was pale, she looked as if she was about to pass out. I held the ice pack on her head and helped her drink the water.

"Niall.. Left me.. Down here.. Because..,"

I made her stop at that.

"Wait? What? He left you down here to cry?"

I could feel my face getting hot. She was the closest I had to family and the thought of someone hurting her made my blood boil.

Before she could reply I turned around stomped up the stairs. When I got to his door, I didn't bother knocking. I turned the knob and threw it open, letting it slam into the wall.

He was sitting on his bed watching TV eating popcorn. I saw him flinch as the door slammed into the wall.

I walked over to him and flipped the popcorn over, causing him to stand up.

"You just left her downstairs to cry like that? You fucking disgusting little pig. She could've passed out! Do you know how fucking appauling that is? You say you love her, then you're a dick to her? You think you're so fucking great and she doesn't deserve that bullshit. God damn. Fuck you,"

He looked at me with wide eyes, surprised by my outburst.

No words came from his mouth.

"You're fucking gross," was all I managed to say before striding towards the door.

Right as I got under the doorway, he finally spoke.

"Do you know who Derek is?"

I felt myself stop. I slowly turned around to him.

"What the fuck did you just say?"



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