chapter 21

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-Caia's POV-

He dipped his head, putting his lips just inches from mine.

I could feel breathing as he pushed his body closer to mine.

He still had my hands pinned by my head.

As he put his lips slowly closer to mine, I jerked my hands, setting myself free.

I turned myself around, letting my body graze his. I pulled open the door as he walked to the drivers seat and got in.

"Shouldn't I like get my stuff or something? Am I even staying with you? Where are you even taking me? And since when do you even care about me?" I looked over at Harry to see his eyes wide open. He looked so handsome. He kept running his fingers through his hair, keeping it pushed back, and only used one hand on the steering wheel. His eyes looked darker than usual, maybe because I couldn't see them as well. He was slightly sweaty but his white T-Shirt still clung to his body. Making each tattoo visible.

"Can you shut up for 2 seconds? Jesus, you're fucking annoying,"

He ran his fingers through his hair once again as I looked out the car window. 10 minutes ago he was almost caring about me. I put my forehead in my hand as I went through everything that just happened.

I should call Emily. She may be worried about me.

-Emily's POV-

Not long after Harry stormed out, everybody left. Niall and I stayed out on the couch, watching tv. I'm not worried about Caia, she's a big girl. I don't expect her to come home tonight. I want her to let loose for a little while. Who knows, maybe her and Liam will be like... A thing?

"Baby," I looked over at Niall as the word rolled off his tongue in that thick irish accent. He knows I love when he calls me that. Almost as much as I love when he calls me 'princess'.

"What?" I whispered as I pecked his,forehead and pushed back his sweaty hair.

"I wasn't sure before, but I'm sure now," he looked into my eyes and grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand up to his lips. "Niall, what are you talking about?" He pulled away from me and positioned himself so he was facing me. He grabbed both of my hands and looked into my eyes. "Emily Rose, I love you. I think about you every minute of everyday. And I know its only been 9 months but I love you. And I feel like a fool for not saying it earlier,"

I could feel my cheeks begin to heat up right when he began to speak. That was the first time he's said that. I've waited for this moment since I was young. As I look into his beautiful blue eyes, I notice that I've never known what love is until now.

"I love you too, Niall. More than anything and anyone," we were so close I had to whisper the words.

"Babe, I got you something,"

He got up from the couch and pulled out a bright pink bag that I couldn't read the writing on. He pulled out a box and walked over to me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he told me to open up the box.

I opened the box to find a diamond covered tiara.

It was covered in the crystals. They were smaller on the outside, becoming bigger as they worked their way in. The tiara stacked up and at the top was a large dangly diamond and under it was a bright pink Alexandrite 'E'. I stared at it in awe as my mouth fell open and tears trickled down my cheeks.

"I saw it and it reminded me of you. Because you're my princess,"

I looked up at him and he chuckled at my facial expression. I set the Tiara inside the box and placed it on the coffee table. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, catching him off guard and knocking him backwards.

"Thank you so much, handsome, I love you," I pulled away from the hug and looked into his blue eyes, putting my forehead against his. "Anything for my girl,"

We both leaned forward and our lips met. I've always felt spark when I kissed Niall. But it's just getting stronger. I can't get enough of him. I just want to envelope myself in him, and never let go.


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