chapter 30

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-Caia's POV-

This morning I woke up with a smile on my face and some seriously sore arms from flailing them all over the place at the concert last night.

Last night.


I had so much fun and actually enjoyed my time with Harry. He wasn't being a COMPLETE asshole.

I hopped out of bed and grabbed the two towels from the foot of the bed and danced my way to the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and plugged my phone into my stereo.

I put on my One Direction playlist and turned it up as loud as it could get.

I turned the water on and peeled my clothes off of my body, continuously sticking my hand under the water to assure myself the temperature was right.

I stepped in and grabbed my loufa and body wash.

I put the body wash on the loufa and began scrubbing my body, dancing to the music, being careful not to fall.

As I rinsed my body, Everything About You came on.

Even though it's extremely old, it will always be a favorite of mine by them.

I couldn't help but think about Harry when the song came on. Everything about him.

The swept back curls.

The emerald green eyes.

The dimples.

"It's everything about you, you, you,

Everything that you do, do, do.

From the way that we touch baby,

To the way that you kiss on me,"

I sang out loud with the boys as I lathered in my shampoo.

I rinsed my hair then conditoned, deep conditioned and washed my face.

I got out of the shower and danced to my room.

I threw some sweats on and took the towel out of my hair.

I brushed my hair out with my fingers and waltzed downstairs, skipping my daily hair product routine.

As I got to the bottom step, my smile faded at the very serious Louis standing infront of me.

Only Louis and Emily were in the room. No others.

"Where's Niall?" I looked into Louis blue eyes and saw nothing but sadness and worry.

"Out with Harry. Sit down next to Em, please Caia,"

I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down next to a confused Emily. She was just as confused as I was.

As I sat on the couch I felt her warm head lean into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged het tight. We've been a bit distant lately.

Louis looked into my eyes with a serious look still on his face.

"What Louis?" I was already beginning to become angry with him.

"I just.. I shouldn't be telling you this. Harry is my best mate and I shouldn't betray him,"

Emily and I both quickly got up from our spots on the couch. I could tell me face was angry as Emily's was confused.

"Well, now you have to tell me Louis,"

His face dropped even more and became sad.

"Okay.. Well Harry's never had sex with a virgin before. And he wants to know what it's like. We told him you would never. But he thought he could,"

Louis head dropped in disappointment.

"Wait, this is all a game?"

I could feel tears forming in my eyes as they became blurry.

Louis looked up at me then quickly looked away and nodded.

All I could do was let my feet carry my upstairs to my bed. I sprinted up the stairs and heard the front door open. Followed by a series of yelling. I didn't care. I'm not moving. No.

I can't move.

-Emily's POV-

As the words left Louis mouth I could feel tears forming in my eyes for Caia. She doesn't deserve this.

I felt my sorrow turn into anger.

She began to ran up the stairs and I started to follow her, but I turned to the sound of the door opening and in walked Niall, followed by a laughing Harry.

I felt myself stop and walk in their direction.

Niall leaned down to kiss me but I swerved around him.

"Fuck you, Harry Styles. Fuck you," I walked up to him and did what every girl would have, slapped him as hard as I could. I felt a tear slip down my face as my hand made contact with his cheek.

He turned his head and held his cheek.

He stepped towards me and put his chest against mine. Anger filling his green eyes.

"You little bitch,"

I felt myself gasp as Niall pushed me away from him.

Niall pushed me by my chest as he replaced my body with his.

"Don't you ever call her that again,"

Niall's fist made contact with Harry's face, right as the rest of the lads walked in, mouths immediately dropped at the brawl. Wrestling and hitting continued on the floor and all I could see was blood.

As the tears continued I put myself in between them, knowing neither would ever hurt a girl.

They both stopped swinging long enough for Zayn, Liam, and Louis to pull them away from eachother.

I felt my feet take me upstairs. Tears streaming down my face.

I need my bestfriend.

I think it's time to go home.


are they gunna stay?

or they gunna leave?

hmmm whadda bout Derek?

Comment && Votee. Ily.

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