chapter 24

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-Caia's POV-

"You know just because you kissed me doesn't mean were just perfectly fine," I spat the words at him as we drove down the street back to Niall's place.

"Let me take you out tomorrow night. To make up for it?" I looked over at him with wide eyes. He actually asked me out.

"Well.... I might be busy. I'll think about it,"

We pulled up to the house and I got out and walked to the front door. Not acknowledging Harry.

As I begun to knock on the door I felt myself turn around and my back slammed into the door. I looked down and saw his large hands covering my hips.

His lips brushed over my neck and I could feel his cool breath, giving me chills. He brought his lips up to my ear and whispered "I'll pick you up at 7 PM tomorrow. Be ready,"

His teeth grazed my neck as he turned around and walked back to his car, shaking and flipping his hair.

He didn't care to look back at me as I sat there breathless. He always managed to take my breath away.

I still had my back pushed open against the door, that being the only thing supporting it.

Right as I heard footsteps, I tried to stand up completely and get off of the door, but it was a little late. The door opened and I stumble back and fell onto the person that opened the door.

I looked up into medium chocolate brown eyes that were familiar in posters. "Oh gosh, Sorry Zayn," he held his hand out and I grabbed it, boosting myself up. "No problem, love. A bit clumsy, I see," he giggled and laughed at me. I punched his shoulder quite hard and turned to walk to the kitchen.

Gosh. I'm so hungry.

I looked around the fridge, freezer, and pantry. I couldn't find anything. The only thing I found that I was willing to make right now was cereal. I pulled out the frosted flakes and the milk in the fridge. I grabbed the bowl from the upper cupboard and a spoon from a drawer by my right hip.

I poured the cereal in and then put it back in the pantry. I grabbed the milk and began pouring it into the bowl slowly.

I felt this weight cover my whole body and a strange pulling sensation on my head.


Damn it, Emily.

I fell to the ground, taking the milk with me which splatter all over the ground as we fought.

We used to do this in my kitchen all the time.

She always shoves her knees into my ribs and it causes me to squeal as she laughs. We flipped over and I grabbed my bowl from the counter and pinned her elbows down.

"Here you go, darling. Here's your frosted flakes," I turned the bowl over and let it slowly poor over her head. I grinned and laughed at her reaction. She begun yelling and screaming and managed to wiggle out from under me. She made her way over to the fridge and I stood by the pantry. We both held our ground facing eachother.

"It's on, slutface," I gigggle at her words and grabbed the first thing I could find, the flour.

But before I could get it out, I felt something pelting into my stomache.


From our many years of softball, we both have pretty strong arms.

I managed to grab the flour as she laughed and yelled while she held her stomache.

"Eat flower, Bitch!" I turned and through the bag at her. It hit her in the chest and exploded.

We both immediately fell to the ground and begun laughing.

Her blonde hair was covered in milk and flower, making it thick, dough like. We both stopped laughing when we heard footsteps coming our way.

We both looked at eachother and put our fingers over our mouths, hoping whoever it was wouldn't come in here. But sure enough, Louis showed up in the doorway with his mouth dropped open. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

We both looked at eachother and put our arms out. "Well... Umm.. Ya know," we both said it completely in sync and begun laughing uncontrollably as Louis stood there and giggled.

"Hey, who's that?"

Emily asked Louis and I hadn't noticed the girl standing behind him. She stepped forward with a smile on her face and her hand on her hip.

"Hi. I'm Angelina,"


Early update today.

Have a good day y'all.

I can't wait till you guys see what I have in store for this story. Muahahahahahaa *evil laugh*

Muahahahahahah *rubs hands together*

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