chapter 10

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Double update? Just because its the 4th of July. Happy day yall.


After all my friends woke up, Ashley and I decided that we would go grocery shopping. I mean its the least we could do for Niall. He took us in when we needed it. Its not like he didn't have enough, because trust me, he definitely does. We just thought it would be nice.

We decided to leave Emily, Julia, and Destiny there, at Nialls house. Emily has gone through too much lately to be in public or alone.

Emily is a tiny girl. Shes very petite. She has long dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. Her cheek bones are high and she has perfect bright white teeth which are surrounded by her pink full lips.

Ashley has medium lenth hair that ends right under her breasts. It is bleach blonde and always so voluminous. She has blue eyes and short dark eyelashes.

Destiny has light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her eyelashes are ling and thick. She has big, full lips.

Julia is the odd one out in our "group". She has bright pink hair but her dark brown roots stick out slightly. She has big blue eyes with thick dark eyelashes. But shes a child at heart.

And me? Well uhh. I have long brown hair the sweeps to the side and lands a little over my hips. I have blue eyes and short stubby eyelashes. My lips are small as well. Theres nothing too great about me but there is one thing im confident in. I have perfect teeth. I had braces for four years and it was so worth the while.

Ashley and I finally found our way to the grocery store in my 2008 Dodge Charger. When my parents died, I got all their retirement money all they had left went to me.

We made our way to the one isle we knew would make Emily happy. Her favorite food. Cereal. I know, I tell her it's ridiculous all the time to love cereal. Why not something more interesting? I don't know. But what I do know is that it would give her hope. Make her smile at ths least we walked up and down the isle until I found what I was searching for. Frosted Flakes.

Her favorite part about eating them was getting to say "They're GRRRRREAT," just like Tony the Tiger would in the commercials. I also grabbed a box of Lucky Charms, she loved the marshmallows. Then we moved on to the next isle.

We grabbed two bags of chips and one thing of Chips Ahoy. Another thing she had a weakness for.

When we got to the frozen isle we grabbed burritos, pizza, and as Ashley began to pull Pizza Rolls out, a deep low chuckle startled her and she dropped them on the floor.

She turned head up to the side and began her pissed off rant, "okay seriously what the hell. Why would you-- oh. Hi Harry," I shot my head up to see who she was speaking with and sure enough. There he was.

"Hm, Caia. You seemed to be everywhere I am. Have you been following me lately," he had a smirk.on his face and I swear if my hands were full I'd slap it right off of him.

I turned to Ashley, ignoring his snide remark.

"Ash, let's go. We got all we need," and he wasn't done yet. As we started to walk away from him, he grabbed my wrist. "God, you're such a prude. Why are you such a bitch? You can't even answer me? I was messing around. Whatever," my back was turned to him and the second I heard word bitch I slowly started to turn around.

I took two steps toward him, I'm the same as every other girl. I don't let guys walk all over me like that.

"Excuse me?"

He still has that nasty smirk plastered on his face. He doesn't know what's coming.

"You heard me. Prissy bitch,"

I've had enough.

"Alright listen up Mr. I think I'm the shit. You better shut your damn mouth. I'm not gunna take shit from you just because you think you're cool cause you can pee with a penis. You don't know how to treat a girl and you're disrespectful,"

It was then that my hand made contact with his sarcastic smirk. I slapped him. Hard.

"Don't ever call me a bitch," I finally got out of his face and turned around and walked away with Ashley before he had anything else to say. He still sat there rubbing his cheek and Ashley's mouth was still wide open. We paid and I smiled at the clerk as me and Ashley walked out of the grocery store and loaded up my car, leaving Harry there with his spiteful thoughts.

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