chapter 11

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The drive back to Niall's place was slow and quiet until we pulled up to the house.

"That was fucking awesome," Ashley finally said what I know she's been waiting to say the whole time.

I smiled at her as she pushed open the door and jumped out of the car with a huge smile covering her face.

As I walked into Niall's house, I inhaled the lovely smell of chicken. I begun to tell Niall how good it smelled in here but stopped in my tracks right next to where Ashley was doing the same. We both stood there, dumbfounded. I was shocked at the sight I was seeing. Anger and jealousy filled up inside me and there was nothing I could do. I let the tears roll down my cheeks at the sight of Emily and Niall in the middle of a makeout session on the couch. Niall definitely wasn't shy with his hands and I knew Emily was uncomfortable because she wasn't used to being touched that way. Emily has had boyfriends before. Her most recent one, Nick, she just broke up with days before we left for England. It took them both about a minute to notice we had both been standing in the doorway.

Emily face became nervous as she looked at my now probably swollen face.

I looked at her and cocked my head to the side, and brought my eyebrows down in a look of disgust.

"Ridiculous" was all I could manage to spit out before I was sprinting to my car. Emily trailing close behind me. She has always been a fast runner. I quickly hopped into my car and locked the doors quickly as she approached. She began to bang on the window, telling me to open the door, to let her in. I shook my head and wiped my tears, starting the car.

I backed out of the driveway as Niall came out of the door and threw his hands in the air as if I'd done something wrong. As I was about to pull away, I rolled down the window. "Don't worry Niall... I'll find.. somewhere else to stay," I tried to sound sassy in between my sobs but my tears said differently.

Why am I even crying?

Why am I jealous?

Emily deserved him so why was I mad?

Why did I care?

There wasn't anything between me and Niall. Was there?

The way he said my name. And put his hands on my hips. Why had he kissed her like that? Why not me? Was I not good enough? Of course not.

I didn't know where to go. What to do with myself. I couldn't just sleep in my car. All my stuff was at Niall's. I definitely didn't think this one through. But before I knew it, my body knew where I wanted to go before my mind did. And I turned into the store parking lot. I parked my car and walked into the store. I began to quickly walk down the isles. Looking for him. For any recognizable face.

I went to turn into the medical isle and accidentally bumped into a tall dark figure. My face slamming into their chest. We both immediately began to apologize and as we pulled away from eachother we both stopped.


His smell was thick in my nostrils. The smell of cologne and cigarettes. The smell I loved.

"Um, are you okay? You look like you've been crying?" He said questioningly due to me slapping him 10 minutes before.

"I was, um, I have no where to go. Sorry, I shouldn't have came here," I turned around and began to walk away from him.

"C'mon," he pulled my elbow and left all his grocerys in the store, pulling me into his car. The entire ride there was quiet until he asked me if i was cold. I shook my head no. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I looked at him for a minute and was hesitant to tell him my problems.

I began to tell him and as I got further into the story I became more comfortable talking to him and was honest about my feelings.

"Niall does that a lot. He uses girls. I love him to death but it's honesty," I shook my head in disgust as we pulled up to his apartment.

"Um, I'll have everything you need here so, leave when you're ready,"

I nodded quickly and walked into the apartment.

The walls were a dark tan color and it was roomy. Especially for him by himself . It was comfortable in here.

It's finally getting about 8:00 and I'm starting to get kinda tired.

I knocked on his door and he showed up quickly. He looked at me, waiting for what I needed. "Can I shower?"

He nodded yes and let me in the room. Showing me to the shower and handed me a pile of things. A towel, washcloth, and some clothes. "I figured you wouldn't have any clothes," I nodded and he walked out of the bathroom and I shut the door behind him and began my shower.

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