chapter 6

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*Chapters will get longer from here*

I after getting to the house, I let my feet carry me the rest of the way.

I made my way through the door of the house and my feet slowed down without notice.

My mouth opened and began to scream his name. It sounded strange rolling off of my tongue. As if i hadnt said it a million times better.

"Niall! Niall! Please! Come here!"

I continued to shout at the walls. After a minute of waiting in silence, I collapsed to the ground in almost the same spot I had before.

Im giving up.

Theres no hope.

No chance to find her.

How? Where? When? Why?

There are too many questions to ask.

I will never find her.

I lifted my head to the ceiling and began my silent apology to the one I know could feel it. If she was still alive.

"Em, Im so sorry. You've been everything to me. I can't thank you enough. I am so sorry that I've never been good enough. I never will be good enough. And I don't want to give up but I have nothing left. I am so sorry. You were the best friend I could've ever asked for. I love y--,"

Right as I began to finish, I heard something. I heard footsteps begin to trot down the stairs.

"Hello? Is someone here? I heard my name,"

His voice was the most relieving voice I've heard since I talked to my dead father.. God I miss him.

My dad was so k-- holy shit.

My eyes glanced up to look at Niall for the second time tonight.

He is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

He looks so different than he used too, you know.. When I was obsessed?

So many things have changed. In this short period of time, he fixed his teeth. Which were mildly crooked before. And he grew. I remembed him being 5'7" in interviews and pictures. He is now well over 6 feet. One thing that intrigued me, drew me closer to him. His tattoos. He had so many of them. The intricate ink markings cover over half his body. Up and down most of his arm length. Lightly trickling up his neck.

I want to walk up to him and trace every design that lay on top of his perfect, blemishless skin.

But I snapped out of my daydream when I heard that beautiful irish accent begin to speak to me, once again.

"oh hello love, I don't believe I ever caught your name,"

I quickly swiped my hand across my cheeks in an attempt to wipe away my tears, which were no longer there.

I was too focused on him. All though I know I shouldn't be, I am.

"Ehm, Caia, my name is Caia," I couldn't help but spit the words at him in an attempt to not seem creepy. Which I know he already thinks I am, because of knowing his name. But I couldn't help myself. Ever since I was younger. I felt as if i knew him. In a personal way. More than through the computer screen, or the posters that were on my walls.

I silently remind myself I do not.

He knows nothing about me, and just learned my name. I can't pin my past against him and scare him away. I needed his help.

"Niall, I just met you. I've never spoken to you. But I need you. And your help. I can't stand to ask so much of you but we don't know anybody here. Niall, please,"

I know I sound like a desperate bitch asking to do me such a favor but I have nowhere else to go and nobody else to talk to.

He grabs my lower arm and trails his hand down it till he meets my own. He squeezes it tightly and I let out a breath I had no idea I had been holding.

"You have a car?"

"Yes of course I do,"

"Follow me. I'll take you and whoever your with to my place and we can figure this shit out. We can't be here. Lets go,"

With a slight frown on his face he drags me by my elbow out of the door, gripping me a bit too tightly. Causing me to feel the bruise already forming on my lower arm.

"Owe, my god Niall, that hurt like a bitch,"

I started to rub my elbow as soon as he broke contact, trying to cause him to feel guilty. I wanted him to touch me again. Over and over.

"You know what. Sorry," he growls in my face as he stomps away and slips into his car.

I decided to brush off his negativity and follow him exactly as he had asked me too.

Every turn we took, I couldn't help but notice his black earrings shining against the brightly glowing streetlights.

A smug look still covered his face, showing he still looks pissed off. Was it something I said?

The entire drive I had been dodging my friends questions, focusing on Niall.

I finally decided to answer them and tell them every detail of who he was , how we met, and where the hell we're going. I wish Emily was here to see him.

She was his favorite in the band.

She never stopped talking about him. Everything she knew. Even though we aren't obsessed anymore, she would be extatic to meet him face to face. And probably even shed a tear or two in sight of his lovely face. Despite his shitty attitude.

Emily swore to always love him when we were 14.

Oh Emily..

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