chapter 29

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-Caia's POV-

As Derek's name came off Niall's lips, I felt my heart drop. How did he know about Derek? And what did he know about Derek?

"What the fuck did you just say?"

His eyes widened but he was yet to speak. He stood there, silent.

"Open you're damn mouth,"

He looked at me and took a deep breath, his eyes became sad and his strong features softened.

"Last night, in her sleep, Emily said his name. It was like she missed him. She even had tears in her eyes,"

He looked at me and I could see a layer of water cover his tear ducts, threatening to spill out.

He fiddled with his thumbs, to keep from crying..

"Niall you don't understand,"

He looked up at me with hope in his eyes.

"You'll never understand. Why didn't you let her explain herself?"

I can't feel bad for him. He left her. Although he doesn't know what Derek did to her.

"I did but she just stood there. She didn't speak. She didn't even move. Will you at least tell me who he is? I can try to understand,"

Does this boy truly love her? I don't know anyone who says they love someone then leaves them in a time of need. But he was hurt.


I directed towards the bed knowing it was a long story to tell.

"Well, it started when we were younger, maybe 12. Emily really really liked him and he didn't like her so she gave up. 2 years later, he fell for her, so they dated. That was in 9th grade. They dated until a month before you two met--,"

I stopped to let him take what I had already said in. His eyes became sad and he whispered "I knew I wasn't the only one," then he nodded as indication for me to continue.

"Well.. They had a really great relationship, they rarely argued and were really happy, until this past year, Derek asked her to have sex with him. She'd told him many times she wasn't ready, so she told him no. He got mad at her but soon let it go. But it wasn't too long until Emily walked into his house and caught him doing the dirty with one of our friends, Lanna. He tried to get her back but she refused, that's when we came here, and she found you, she's happy again. Much happier than she was with him, I don't know how she feels but she probably just had a nightmare. Don't hold it against her,"

He stood up from the bed with his jaw tightened and fists clenched.

"Fucking douche,"

He began to walk out the door but I strided towards him and pulled his shoulder back.

"You're not talking to her without me there,"

I stepped infront of him as we both ran down the stairs. She was right where I left her but now with cereal. I smiled at the sight, but she still hiccupped and her cheeks were swollen and pink, along with her eyes.

Niall walked towards her with a serious look on his face and I saw her situp and hiccup harder than before, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

He sat down next to her and grabbed her hands looking into her eyes.

"Caia told me about Derek, and I'm sorry I didn't let you explain. I thought it through and it's fine if you still love him. Just as long as you're mine,"

Her hiccups stopped and she smiled, burying her head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her ontop of the head.

"Alright, love. I'm gunna go get you some tea, stay here with Caia,"

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