chapter 22

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-Caia's POV-

We finally arrived at the familiar flat but as we pulled up, my eyes became heavy and fully closed. I didn't plan on opening them anytime soon. I'm fine sleeping in the car. I mean like why not. Hopefully I won't exfixiate.

I heard my door open but still kept my eyes shut. In a matter of seconds I felt two strong arms position themselves under me. One in the crease of my legs, under my knees. And the other on my back. He slung my arm around his neck and picked me up, kicking the door with his foot behind him. As he got to the door, he kept me in his arms, barely fumbling the keys to open the door. I could tell he was having a hard time. I felt him finally turn the knob and the door swung open. He kicked the door once again and walked me to his bedroom.

I peeked my eyes open when I felt the room get much warmer. He set me down on the bed and pulled the comforter over my body. I felt him stop himself and put the blanket back down where it was, leaving my body uncloaked. "Damn it, she can't where jean shorts to bed. Fuck," he looked around frantically as he whispered, careful not to wake me up. My eyes were still peeked open.

He looked everywhere before I figured he was not finding what he was looking for.

He looked at me and stepped towards my lifeless looking body. "What if I wake her up? She's going to think I'm some pervert," he was whispering, obviously talking to himself, as he slid of my shorts. I tensed at first, scared of his actions, but I still didn't open my eyes entirely. After he got off my shirt and bottoms, he looked around once more, and slid his own shirt over his head, placing it on my body. As he slid it over my head, I felt a shiver go down my spine as I felt his warm touch. It smelled like cologne. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.


Bleu De Chanel?

Something familiar. It smelled musky, and dark.

He turned around to walk away and my eyes fluttered open to see his muscular back towards me. It didnt have very many tattoos compared to the front of him.

I could hear him turn on the TV in the front room as I tried to close my eyes. I couldn't fall asleep.

I picked my feet up and walked down the hallway quietly, trying not to wake him up. But he wasn't asleep. As I made my way down the hallway towards him, he grinned at me and I smiled back.

"Awake so soon?" He looked at me when those deep green eyes and I could feel my knees buckle as I plopped down on the couch. "Yup," I turned away from him, towards the TV and watched the show that was on. Family guy. I giggled lightly but I could feel his eyes on me. I turned to face him and put on a monotonous expression. "What?" He started to shake his head as the smile disappeared from his face.

"I just.. I want to know what your about," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he seemed to understand the look. "I wanna know about you," he looked down as If he was ashamed. I smiled and opened my mouth, taking a deep breath.

"Well.. My full name is Caia Denise Brookes. Emily is my bestfriend. I want to be an actress. My parents died awhile ago. I have no siblings. I don't usually like people. I'm loud and sometimes annoying. I'm 18. My favorite color is green. I hate cereal. And I love animals," when I finished speed talking that whole thing, he looked at me and his eyes became wide.

His eyes went from caring to cold in seconds.

"Agreed on the annoying part," are you kidding me? He was nice to me 5 seconds ago.

"Why do you always do this Harry? You're an ass to me one second and then you're nice the next. I'm honestly not going to take you being bipolar," I got up from the couch and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't be such a bitch all the time. You're so uptight. It was a joke. Oh my fuck. Take a breath and I'll go buy you some tampons or something,"

I could feel my face getting hot at his sexist period comment. "Gosh, you're such an asshole. Why did I come here? Fuck. You. Pig."

I turned around and opened the door that was feet behind me, and sprinted down the steps, running in the direction I knew Niall's place was.

It wasn't long until I tired out, I could hear his footsteps close behind me. His strides were much bigger than mine. I could here them getting closer and I tried to run faster but I couldn't. He caught up to me and I felt his hand on my wrist.

He flipped me around and places his hand behind my back, the other behind my head. The only thing he said was "Sorry," before he pulled his head down to mine and smashed our lips together.

At first I tried to pull away but his grip was hard against my head and I gave in. I kissed him back. No matter how much I hated him.

I couldn't deny I wanted him.


Haia or Ciam?


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