chapter 37

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-Caia's POV-

I woke up to the bright sun shining in the corner of my eye through the blinds.

I quickly got up and managed to close and laid my head back down on the bed.

I tried to fall asleep but got up once I noticed Harry was nowhere.

I got up and went to bathroom where my phone had been plugged in. I had a text message from him.

I sighed in relief as I read the message:

Out at the market, love. Will be back. Dont leave xx.

I smiled and stepped into the kitchen. It is much colder in here than anywhere else in the hotel room.

I felt goosebumps arise on my legs as I fiddled with the thermostat, trying to firgure out how to work it.

Finally I got the damn thing to work and grabbed a water out of the fridge and sat on the couch.

I ploppdd myself down and grabbed the remote, hiccuping loudly.

"Fucking A,"

I whispered to myself as I tried a trick Emily always believed worked. Drinking upside down.

I tilted my head down and tried to gulp. But of course this resulted in me getting water all over myself and feeling like an idiot.

I waited awhile for the hiccuping to stop before I decided to get up.

I waddled my way to the bathroom with complete bedhead and a smile on my face.

I picked up my phone and checked for any other messages.

As I looked at the screen, I felt a sort of emptiness.

The background of me and Emily was so long ago. Years actually.

I unplugged my phone and dialled her number, putting it up to my ear.

She quickly picked up and happiness filled her voice.

"Cai, hey. What room are you in? Lets hang? I need to go shopping,"

I giggled at her constant need for questioning as I could feel her smile through the phone.

"827, and come on up, I'll get ready,"

I quickly clicked the red button and rushed in the bathroom.

I was in and out of the shower very quickly and there was a slow, easy knock at the door.

I pranced over and opened it, to find tired looking Emily sitting with her back to the door.

I hummed under my breath as she stood up and threw herself onto the couch, already dressed and ready.

I threw on some leggings and a droopy shirt and quickly powdered my face and put on light mascara.

Although I hated my hair and definitely did not like it natural, I didn't mind today.

I grabbed my keys and stomped to the door, without a word, she followed closely behind.

I shut the door behind me and checked to make sure I had a room key. Thankfully I did.

I pulled out my phone and sent Harry a quick text that I would be out for awhile shopping with Em.

I didn't get a reply but I hopped in the car and brought it to life.

We cranked up the music, as we usually do. And the song, Radioactive, came on.

We both have always like really all genres of music, except like heavy metal. That shits scary.

We rocked to the song and bobbed our heads up and down, screaming the lyrics at all the people we drove by.

We pulled into the parking lot and I stepped out of the car before I remembered. Fuck. I left my wallet in the hotel.

"Shit, I left my wallet there. You just stay here but go in American Eagle and don't leave till im back. Pick me out something cute to try on,"

A disappointed look overcame her face but she managed a smile and a thumbs up before she walked into the store. I got back in the car and started it once again, quickly getting irritated and slamming my open hand against the steering wheel.

Gosh dang.

I stepped on the gas as I went down the street, not wanting Emily to be left alone by herself.

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and smiled as I parked next to Harry's dark car.

My mood change and became happier as I almost jogged to the room. If he's not with Niall, maybe I can convince him to come with us. Maybe.

I don't know if he would really be willing to do that right now.

The elevator ride seemed to be in slow motion, probably because I was so anxious.

Finally I came to my floor and hustled to my room with a smiled engulfing my face.

I slid the key up and down and opened the door.

I was about to open my mouth to speak but before I could. My happiness faded and my smile dropped. You gotta be fucking kidding.

I walked in to find Michaela, the blonde bitch, sitting on Harry's lap, with her lips tightly locked to his.

Harry quickly pushed her off of him and began with the excuses.

I let me feet approach him and did what felt right at the time.

I slammed my knee into his groin as hard as I could as he fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

I looked over at Michaela who stood there with a blank look on her face and as my eyes made contact with hers. The situation became more infuriating.

"Fucking nasty slut,"

The last thing I saw was her mouth open wide before I left the room.

With only one single tear sliding down my cheek before wiping it roughly and shaking my head.

He won't get away with this. Not again.


Sorry it's been forever. I've been having major writers block.


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Over 4k!!!!! Wow thank you so much.

Twitter: JoelleLoves_1d

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