chapter 14

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Hey lovelies.

Do me a favor and read "What love can do you" by hipeasant.

It's good!

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-Emily's POV-


I hopped out of bed this morning with a smile on my face and my heart whole. It felt good to wake up and be happy. I felt safe and that was the best feeling in the world. But nobody will ever know what happened when I was taken. Nobody. I won't tell anybody what he did to me. I can't even think about it. It is too embarrassing for other people to know.

He raped me.

He kept all of us in the hotel room, and taped us up. He walked around and us and sang that song we used to sing as kids, you know the one, "Eenie meenie miney mo. Catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go". Yeah, that one. And when he finished the song his finger landed on me. Just who he wanted it to be. He pulled me away from the rest of them and left them in the bathroom with the door locked. He laid me down on the bed and tied my hands up to the back of it, with a sock still in my mouth. So I was unable to scream. He started to whisper things in my ear like "You don't know how long I've waited for this" and "Start screaming now baby girl". Just thinking about it, I begin to cry. He started make a trail in kisses down my body and boom. He took my virginity. Just like that. I was saving that for someone who deserved it. Someone I loved. But enough of that, back to today.

I got out of bed and Caia wasn't next to me. I was pretty positive that she fell asleep next to me last night. But I still decided to go downstairs and join the rest of everybody. At least what I thought would be everybody. When I walked down to the living room and kitchen, nobody was there except for Niall. Niall was sitting on the couch in he boxers and a white tank top that was a little to big for him but I wasn't complaining. It showed every single one of his tattoos through it's transparent surface. He was sprawled out on the couch with one arm over his head and the other holding the remote; his legs both going different directions. I continued to admire him as he lay there, I was unnoticed. I was glancing lower and lower on his body until I heard a grunt. "Oh, um sorry. Where is everyone?" I looked away in embarrassment. He caught me staring at him. Oh gosh. I glanced back up at his face and he has a grin across it as wide as the damn grand canyon. "Store, and some are sleeping still. Breakfast is on the counter," he nods his head up at the surface and my eyes follow. MMM, pancakes. I quickly walked over and picked one up, stuffing it in my mouth. I moaned to myself in enjoyment as Niall laughed at my sound effect.

Niall got up from his seat on the couch and walked over to the fridge. He opened it up and grabbed something out of it. I couldn't see very well because my back was turned to him. He came to my right and offer me a drink of his orange juice, I nodded yes and put down my pancake. I tried to grab the drink from him but he pulled it away from me. "Hold on," I looked at him and tapped my foot, showing my impatience. He put the drink to his lips and took a sip, when he was finished he licked his lips. He licked his lips slowly, obviously looking for my attention. I did my best to look away from the scene but I couldn't. He was just so intriguing. He then handed me the drink and I took a sip. After, I decided to not try and look sexy and lick my lips. I just wiped it off with the back of my hand. I have never been one to look "Sexy".

He looked at me and laughed a deep, muffled laugh. Which sent my whole body in chills. He was so beautiful. He had no flaws. And I wanted him. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, I wanted him. I tried to give his juice back to him but he took the juice from me and set it on the counter, still taking hold on my small hand. He pushed me back and I was now up against the island in his kitchen. He brought his face inches from mine and looked me up and down. "You're so beautiful," I began to say a thank you but before I had enough time to fully speak, his mouth was pressed against mine. Our tongues moving against each other, It sent sparks throughout my body. He kept moving my body, pushing and guiding me, until we ended up on the couch. He started to get a little greedy with his hands. And that was when I looked up and saw her standing there. Caia.

With tears in her eyes and confusion on her face, she looked at me and said "Ridiculous," and she ran out of the apartment. I don't know why she's so mad but I demand to know why she was so angry with me. I thought she wanted this for me. I banged on her windows, over and over, but of course no luck. She drove away wiping her tears.

I kept asking Niall why she was so mad but I continued to get no reply from him at all. Or he would tell me it was nothing.

We went to Harry's. She wasn't there.

We went to the house where she met Niall. Wasn't there.

We drove down every street.

Damn it, Caia. Where is she?

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