"But, it also wasn't the brightest idea..." "What do you mean?" I asked before taking another wheat thin out of the bag. "Rachel has been competing all her life in singing competions. Hell she won first place in a competion when she was 8 months old!" Matthew exclaimed. "I know, well there's no going back now." I sighed, closing the lid on my container. We ate silently for a few moments before I thought about the football game that Mckinely is having tonight, the last one of the season.

"Hey you should come to the football game tonight, it's the last one." "Why should I? I don't even attend McKinley." He laughed, crumpling his lays bag up and throwing it in the trashcan behind him. "Because I know for sure you have nothing to do until tomorrow night. Don't be a Blazer Boy." I argued with him. "A Blazer Boy?" He questioned sarcastically. "Please inform me on my Blazer Boyness." He set his chin on his fists. "You guys refuse to do a lot because it's either you have to stick to Dalton standards or that you think you're better than everyone. And it's only Dalton students. You wear blazers, and you're a, boy, therefore, a Blazer Boy." I explained packing my stuff up.

The bell rang for the end of lunch after a while. We both got up and walked back inside. "Look, you are going. Meet me at my house tonight and I'll give you directions as we drive." I stopped him. He groaned and adjusted his bag. "Dress warmly." I winked before leaving. "I don't like you sometimes." He yelled after me. "That's the point!" I yelled back before leaving.

6:00 came by quickly. Aunt Julie gave me money to buy snacks and kissed my cheek as Matthew pulled up. I quickly got in and shut the door, looking at his outfit as he looked at mine. "Snazzy." I laughed.

"Not bad yoruself, I guess

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"Not bad yoruself, I guess.." He bit his lip. I opened my mouth and looked at him. "Kidding!" He held his hands up. I hit his arm before we took off.

We soon arrived at Mckinely, considering it was only a few streets over. We both got out and walked together to the gate. I paid for our tickets and found Quinn. "Hurry the game is just starting." She began to jog with us. She went onto the field as we went into the bleachers and found some seats. "I didn't sign up for all of this running." Matthew panted. "It'll be worth it." I smiled. I saw Finn walk out onto the field from the bench and wave to everyone. I made eye contact with him and waved, he proceeded to grin and wave back.

"Oh la la." Matthew smirked. "Oh hush Blazer Boy, he is my best friend." I looked at him. "Mhmmm." He slowly nodded his head. I could never see myself with Finn. He's got Rachel, and possibly Quinn. Plus there is no way he'd fall for me, we are total opposites!

At halftime, me and Matthew went down to the consession stand. I got a cotten candy stick and a kiwi water while Matthew got a pickle, jolly ranchers and a rootbeer. I turned and was met with Mike. "Hey!" I smiled hugging him. He hugged me back before shaking hands with Matthew. "Have you seen Tina? She's been screaming my name from the bleachers..." Mike scratched his head. "MIKEY POO!" She screamed, tackling him down to the ground. Matthew grabbed my hoodie and pulled me back to prevent me from getting caught in the middle. We helped them up and wiped Tina off. "Hey wait where's Rachel?" Matthew asked, "You can usually hear her by now?" "Finn said she couldn't make it. She's busy doing vocal warm ups for Sectionals." Tina rolled her eyes.

"On that note, I say we go find others..." I looked at Matthew. He interlocked arms with me and we skipped around the perimeter of the bleachers. "This actually isn't half bad." Matthew said. "Told you." I sang rolling my eyes and smiling. "There are so many cute boys here." He blushed. I smiled really big and wiggled my shoulders. "Stop it!" He snickered at me. We continued walking until the horn buzzed for the 2nd half to start. We went back to our seats and snacked on our food.

16 seconds left. 45 to 43. Puck looked exhausted and Finn was falling everywhere. Kurt and Blaine met up with us to finish watching the end. "I don't see how this is remotely possible." Blaine sighed. "Oh come on, have some faith." Kurt nudged him. The boys got into position and the cheerleaders did their basket tosses. The whistle blared as they took off. "COME ON MIKEY." I heard Tina yell behind us. "COME ON BOYS." I clapped and shouted. Mike was able to snatch the ball and run far with it. The crowd got louder and louder as he dove into the end zone, dragging an opposing player with him. I jumped up with everyone and screamed. Everyone helped him up before repositioning. They got into a huddle. 'Come on boys....' I thought over and over in my head. The clock was standing at 6 seconds and everyone was anxious. They all got out of huddle repositioned. The stadium fell silent as the whistle rang.

It was like slow motion was falling in place right in front of my eyes, and my ears ringed with silence.

The defense tackled their targets as Sam grabbed the ball and ran across the field to the opposite side. Everyone was telling him he was going the wrong way, but he kept going. "What is he doing?!" Kurt yelled. The other team stopped chasing after him. He stopped right in front of the line, turned around, and chucked the ball as hard as he could. Everyone watched as the ball pivoted in the air. I looked and saw Finn, positioning himself. As the horn rang, Finn fell to the end zone ground with the ball.

Everything turned back to normal speed as the crowd roared. "OH MY GOD." I screamed. Finn pounded his fist in the air as the others came over and crowded him. I then felt my legs carrying myself down the stairs. "Wait where are you going?!" Matthew yelled over the crowd. I put my feet through the rings of the fence and jumped down onto the track. I ran after Finn as the crowd poured onto the track as well. He saw me and took off helmet. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, making him fall once again. I looked down as I laid on top of him, laughing with him. "You did it." I smiled, yelling over the crowd.

"For you." Finn said before helping me up and hugging me tightly.

Opposites | Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now