The concert

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*Rebeccas POV*

As i stepped out of the car i was immediatly swamped with people and the rush of the concert, the opening bands were playing and it was extreamly loud, and we were only in the parking lot, so god knows how loud it will be in the front row (back stage passes also have front row access as well)

'' you ready for this becca''

'' you know it!'' 

'' haha awesome me too!''

We both started walking to the entrance, (yes it was gated) the guard people took our tickets and they gave us our back stage laminated passes. Oh, and we both had on matching sweaters, it was pretty great i was in heaven. I mean, i bet EVERYONE thought we were dating. To bad we're not. I would give my left ovarie to date him in all honesty. We decided to go back stage before we got seats in the front row so we could just maybe have a chance at meeting the band, or at least one of the members. 

We saw a room that said band only, we both looked at eachother with the most devious smiles, but we knew that was crazy. So we settled by taking a picture together in front of the door. Right when we were taking the picture believe it or not Tony Perry walked straight out of that same exact door, my first reaction was a scream, jeremy was laughing at my scream but i didnt care i mean, IT WAS TONY PERRY! I was sure he got that alot, but i didnt care, i tried to play it cool and not make a complete idiot of myself, so i complemented him on his amazing guitar skills, He chuckled a bit and said thanks and that he loved our sweatshirts and he asked how long we had been dating

My palms got very sweaty and i couldnt even speak

'' um, haha yea were not dating, just friends''

Jeremy laughed a bit and agreed with me.

Tony just gave us a  Bullshit look, and smiled and he said he had to go get his guitar hooked up and ready for the concert, and if we wanted we could say hi to the rest of the band, he used his card to open the door, and we saw, Jamie Preciado, Mike Fuentes and Mikes brother Vic Fuentes. I just stared at vic for what seems like an hour and had a nervous melt down in my head. Tony walked in right behind us and told them how he ran into us. Vic had an adorably stupid smile on his face and said..

'' a little girl like you like PTV ay?

i almost chocked on my own breath '' y... y. yea, alot, you guys are my idols''

'' thats great to here!, when did you first start listening to us''

'' about two years ago''

'' wow, thats great haha! what's your favorite song?

'' i like all of your guy's song,but i guess if i had to pick it would be, I Dont Care if  You're Contagious

'' haha awesome! thats one of mine too, whats your name?''

'' r-r-Rebecca''

'' Cool name rebecca!'' 

By that time i was too much of a nervous wreck to reply, i mean I WAS JUST TALKING TO VIC FUENTES, basically the love of my life for god sakes. ( sorry Jeremy ) When me and Jeremy finally left we were basically screaming at eachother because we couldnt believe we had just met the whole band. Jeremy checked his phone, and suggested it would be a good time to go and get good seats in the front. So We headed down the stepps and off the stage.  ( the stage was huge and had tables and chairs and so much food and drinks) anyways, we got seats, well not seats, but we got places right in the front in the middle because i knew that vic would be in there middle because he's the lead singer and all. Me and jeremy got bored standing there waiting so started talking about highschool and we got into the whole '' Michael'' topic. Jeremy told me that he would have bet a million dollars i liked michael, so i told him that i did, kinda just a little. But that was because i liked someone else alot more. 

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