" Okay, okay, okay, okay so for the next 45 minutes you have to put up with me." I said. Looking around. 

" Take it off babe!" I heard a man say to me. I looked over and saw a 20 or 21 year old drinking. 

" Nope, sorry darling, you couldn't handle all of me." I said to him. I gave him a wink, to know I was only playing with him. I walked around again. 

" Okay so, here is a fun fact of me. I'm an only child growing up, and you know what I hated it." I said to everyone. People was yelling "Me Too" or " Wish I Was" 

" So, when I get married I'm going to have  yard full of kids. I was think 5 would be a great number?" I said to everyone. People was yelling and clapping. 

" Okay, no more, who's' ready to party, because I am." I said to everyone. Everyone went crazy. 


" Who's ready for some Rocky Top. I know I am. Play it boys." I said to the house band, that I was given. 

" This is my mom's favorite song, so this is for you mommy. I love you." I said to the sky. 

Well, I wish that I was on old Rocky Top
Down in the Tennessee Hills
Cause there ain't no smog, no smoke on Rocky Top
Ain't no telephone bill

" Play it boys" I said to the band. I was moving and dancing all over the stage. I do love this song.

Now but once I had me a man on Rocky Top
Half bear, the other half cat
Well, he was wild as a mink but he was sweet
As soda pop
I often think about that

I was dancing and clapping for the band, I started to do my little riverdance, that my mom taught me how to do. 

Oh, Rocky Top you always be
Home sweet home to me
Good Ol' Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennessee
Rocky Top Tennessee 

I looked over and saw Brantley smiling at me. I smiled at him and looked at the crowd of people who has been singing and dancing with me

Now once two strangers climbed ol' Rocky Top
Lookin for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
And some say they never will

" Play it boys." I said to the band

" Aren't they great everyone." I said to the people. They was clapping and cheering the band to keep going on. 

Did you know corn won't grow on Rocky Top
The dirt's too Rocky by far
And that why the folks on Rocky Top 
Get there corn from a jar

Oh, Rocky Top you always be 
Home sweet home to me
Good Ol Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennessee
Rocky Top Tennessee

Now I've had years of cramped  up city life 
Trapped luck a duck in a pen
All I know is it's a dad-burn pity
Life can't be simple again

Oh, Rocky Top you always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ol Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennessee
Rocky Top Tennessee
Rocky Top Tennessee
Rocky Top!!!

As I sang the last note everyone was happy. 

" Thank you all for that little visit to Rocky Top. Mom that was for you. Love you." I said to the sky. 

" Okay, let me get a drink and then we will party again, sounds good to you." I said to everyone. I got me a drink of water. 

" Okay let's keep this going, sounds good to you all." I said. The crowd was screaming and having a lot of fun. 

" Okay well..."


I just got done singing my last song. I looked at everyone. 

" Well, I want to thank you all for being a great crowed. I know I had fun, I hope you all had fun as well. Well, I'll get out of your hair, so please give it up to the one and only Brantley Gilbert!" I yelled. Brantley ran out on stage. 

" Thanks darlin. How was she. Amazing voice you have." Brantley told me. I looked up at him and smiled. 

" Thank you Brantley." I said running off the stage. I ran to Ruth and she gave me a hug. 

" Was it okay?" I asked her. 

" Honey you did great." Ruth told me. 

" Good. So, can I take this dress off now." I asked her. 

" Yeah. Then you can go back to the bus. We will be leaving as soon as Brantley is done." Ruth told me. 

" Okay. Thanks Ruth." I said running to my room, so I can change. 

When I got to the bus, Fifi was laying on the sofa waiting on me.

" Hi baby boy. Mommy missed you so much." I said to him. Fifi barked and laid on my breast. At lest someone likes them. I took us to my bunk and laid down. 

I was woken up by 2 people talking. I looked and saw Brantley making out with some young woman. She was all over him. He had her pants pulled down, and put her on the table. I heard her giggling. I shut my courten so I can't see nothing. 

" Oh, fuck you're tight" I heard Brantley say. Oh my god. I took my other pillow over my head so I couldn't hear what was going on. If he keeps this up, this is going to be a long year with him. 









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