Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-

I sat in the boy’s cabin with Scott, Sam, Brick, and Lightning. Mainly because I was the last girl on the team, and my side got quiet.

Normally, I’d only wanna hang out in here cause Scott wasn’t in here. But it’s either be alone, or tolerate Scott.

You’d think I’d pick being alone, after how much Scott has pissed me off, but he hasn’t run his mouth yet, so I’ve been good.

“Fellow Rats! We are going to stop those Maggots! For we are a team of men!” Brick said happily to our team.

I cleared my throat. Oh great, I’m gonna be referred to as a guy till the teams merge. “Still a girl over here” I raised my hand.

“Oh right! Sorry Julie. Guys! It’s Team Men! And Julie” Brick said.

“Team Men and Jule!” Lightning said excitedly.

I sighed, not exactly what I wanted, but hey, it’s better than being just Team Men.

“Men and Julie till the end!” Sam said as we all put our hands in together. Sam’s thumb looked really messed up though.

We all ew’d at it and took our hands back “Yikes! What’s with the circus thumb?!” Scott asked.

“Don’t be so rude!” I scolded him “But yeah Sam, is it…okay?”

“Oh this thing? That’s ten years of gaming right there!” Sam said pointing to it proudly. Thank god I wasn’t that much of a gamer.

“Video games? Listen champ, we are men. Julie can even tough it out sometimes, but you are a smelly ball of dough with ears” Lightning said to him.

“Lightning!” I said again, was every guy here just mean to poor old Sam?

“Smelly?” Sam asked. “Hey! Gamers are athletes too! We’ve got keen hand eye coordination, cat-like reflexes. Watch!” Sam said

He got out a bunch of mouse traps and put them on the ground. We all watched, expecting his finger to get caught in the trap.

He laughed “Come to papa cheesey! Annnd- BOOM!” He quickly grabbed the cheese off the trap without getting snapped.

We all wow’d at Sam, I definitely didn’t see that coming. “See guys?” Sam said happily, then accidentally stepped on the mouse trap causing him to yell out in pain.

“Ahhhhh! That stings!” He yelled holding his foot. He then hopped backwards into all the other mouse traps getting snapped by all of them.

Lightning, Brick, Scott and I all cringed at the sight. “Reflexes…cat-like…” Sam said in pain, and covered in mouse traps.

I went in the confessional /“Sam is so sweet, and I absolutely love him! But after Chris took away his last game he’s been a mess. I’d keep him on the team, but I’m not sure if I can convince all the other guys to feel the same way”/

“It’s challenge time! Campers! Meet me on the other side of the island!” Chris said over the loud speaker.


We all got to the other side of the island and sat on our teams bleachers in front of a big stage.

“Hey Zoey, really like your hair” Mike said to Zoey on their team. She looked annoyed “Let me guess, and your “character” Vito likes Anne Maria’s hair?”

Mike was still locked up in the dog house after all the Vito problems. It must suck having multiple personalities.

Chris came down with a jet-pack. He was dressed up and had a white wig on. Chef was on stage too in his pink dress. Sometimes, I felt really bad for Chef.

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