Start from the beginning

"Thank you and good night!" she called before the technical difficulty sign showed up.

The family sat in awe and shock, staring at the television.

"Pretty awesome right?" Hannah said bouncing on the couch grinning happily.

"Oh my god." Esme managed to choke out.

"You set fire to a building, practically made a ticking time bomb and still manage to grin through out the whole THING?!" Jocelyn asked staring at her.

"Pretty much yeah..." she answered nodding.

"Unbelievable." Carlisle said, "Are the cops after you?" Emmett asked excitedly.

"Sort of. They wanted to question me, according to my file right now, I live in Australia." Emmet started to snort with laughter.

"Hannah!" Alice cried, "Why your not in jail just boggles my mind." Rosalie finished shaking her head.

"I mean, what kind of irresponsible, crazy, idiot-"

"Lay off the irresponsible crap Edwardo. No one listens to you anyway." Hannah snaps, but just as quickly as the scowl appeared it was replaced with a grin.

"It's all over YouTube!" the family groans.

"Oh come on, lay off me." she grumbled standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"I mean," she calls from there, ", if I didn't do THAT I never would've have brought home THIS!" she appeared holding the charred reminisce of the Sandwich 4000.

"It's not dangerous is it?" Esme asked timidly, "'Course not it's

fi-" just then the this let out a loud pop! and sparked angrily.

Bella shrieked and flitted to the other end if the room.

"WHY?!" Hannah yelled at the black stump she was still holding onto. It sparked again, bigger this time, the white hot sparks exploding into the air.

"GET RID OF IT!" Esme cried, Hannah chucked it across the room, Bella who had made the mistake of standing at the edge of the room caught with with a loud scream and chucked it back at her. Hannah ducked, and Jasper who had the unfortunate pleasure of standing a little ways behind her caught the sparking and flaming object in his hands. With a startled and strangled yell he threw it toward Emmett who caught it.

"Ooh, shiny." he grinned right as it sparked again, and set his hair alight. Screaming like a little girl he threw himself through a closed window and rolled all the way into the pool, leaving a trail of shattered glass in his wake. The Sandwich 4000; or what was left of it, landed on the couch. Everyone within a six foot radius jumped back.

With the loudest spark yet it practically exploded, setting the couch ablaze. The fire grew quickly, Carlisle disappearing and reappearing with an arm full of backing soda. Slitting every package open he tossed them at the couch. In hopes they would douse the flames, it worked wonderfully. Putting out everything except a tiny flame in which Hannah stomped out.

"Well, excuse me while I travel to Australia." Hannah said breaking the silence as every single person in the room turned on Hannah before she darted off, leaving a small cloud of baking soda.


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"This is GREAT!" Alice cried with a happy sigh, dragging a very disgruntled Hannah behind her strolling through the large mall.

"Stupid shopping crazy weirdo." Hannah grumbled under her breath, "OH! Wow, look Hannah at those HORRID shoes. Let's go see what kind of weirdo would make shoes like that." Alice squeaked ignoring Hannah's previous comment.

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