The Truth Will Set You Free

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Kasminè P.O.V

Pulling up at the hospital I rushed and found a parking spot. I jumped out almost running toward the hospital entry with Jaylonè, Taylor, and Chelsea right on my tail. Chloe was in the front waiting for us.

For y'all who are confused about where Chloe came from let me explain. Her name is Chloe Rodriquez and with a name like that yes you've guessed it she's Mexican. I actually met her before I met Taylor, but we bumped heads and you know how that goes. We just started back talking a couple weeks ago. Y'all will learn more about her.

"Chloe talk to me ... Have they told you anything?"

Her eyes were as red as a cherry like she has been crying her eyes out.

She took a deep breath "They saying he suffered a severe asthma attack and that he had to go into immediately surgery"

"Are you serious? I didn't know he had asthma and where were y'all when this happen?"

"That's the point Kas he don't have asthma and at his football practice"

Shit I forgot he asked me to come watch him practice, but I did text him.

"Shit man!" I said pacing back and forth

"Who the hell is y'all talking about" Taylor said very aggravated now

"JAMAR! TAYLOR! Jamar okay" I yelled

"Damn man!" Jaylonè said

"Wait who's Jamar?" Chelsea said confused

"You'll meet him soon Chels" I said

The doctor comes through the double automatic door and walks over to the waiting section

"Family of Mr.Watkins?"

Chloe immediately walked up to the doctor "Hi Doctor Sanders that'll be us"

"Well I have good news ... He pulled through his surgery just find, but he has to rest for now and he'll have to stay here for about a week in a half, so we can keep an sharp eye on him"

We called took deep breathes holding our chest. Chloe thanked him and turned around and gave me a hug "He pushed through Kasminè!"

Kylan P.O.V

After dodging Allison for about 35 minutes she finally caught up with me when Mrs.Balítore asked us to step outside.

"I've been looking everywhere for you" she said while giving me a hug

"Oh for real I didn't even know you were here"

"Well I decided to surprise you!"

"You sure in the hell did that"

She laughed, but I was serious as hell. I didn't want or need her here tonight.

"Yeah I know, but what you except me to do if you ignored my text and calls?"

"Just wait for me to text or call you back Allison damn!"

"I - I just uhh" I could tell she was hurting

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