#BirthdayGirl Continuum

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Kasminè P.O.V

Later that day after taking many different picture and talking to almost everyone at my party I finally had time to myself. I was standing at the table where my cake was admiring it. It was so beautiful and out of nowhere I was disturbed by a tap on my left shoulder. I turned around almost in disgust until I realized it was Kylan. I can't believe he actually had the nerve to show up after I have been literally ignoring him.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked up at him "What's up?"

"Ah nothing" he looked over me towards my cake "Nice cake"

I nodded my head and turned slightly looking back at my cake "Yeah it is huh?"

"Yeah it really is, but I came to see you on your big day"

"Well thanks for showing up"

Before I could attempt to walk off or turn around he stopped me.

"Come on K don't be like that"

"Don't be like what Ky! You did this to yourself"

"I'm sorry ma I apologized a million times"

"Apology from someone that's trying to be a hoe because he doesn't know what he wants is not enough!"

"Look I apologized and I meant every word of it Kasminè"

"Yeah I bet!" I said putting my hand up to his face

I turned my back to him and start looking back at my cake.

"I got you something for your birthday"

I didn't say anything I just stood there still with my back towards him. I felt him grab my hand turning me around and all my anger suddenly went away some how. Ugh! What has he done to me?! He handed me rectangular box that had wrapping paper around it with a pink string bow.

"Uhhh wow Kylan you really didn't have to get me anything"

"But I wanted to cause you deserve it ... Especially from me"

I thought to myself 'I deserve way more then just a little box, but it's the thought that counts I guest' I just nodded my head yeah and smiled.

Jaylonè P.O.V

I was sitting in the far corner just listening to the music and trying to ignore all these girls that was talking to me, so I decided to try and find Kassy. I stopped Chloe and asked her have she saw Kasminè.

"Yeah I think I saw her by her cake talking to Kylan!" She yelled over the music

Wtf! KYLAN! I was honestly jealous and slightly pissed the fuck off, but instead I just calmed down and started walking towards their direction.

The Dj P.O.V (Sam)

The party was going groovy baby, but I felt like I should slow it down for a minute, so I got on the mic. 

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm about to slow it all the way down for y'all, so grab your partner and get to the floor"

Kasminè P.O.V

At that very moment after the Dj slowed it down Jaylonè came to my rescue and asked me to dance with him. I grabbed his hand while excusing myself from Kylan.

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