This is it !

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The next morning I woke up to my face on his hard chess. Couldn't believe I lost my virginity to my best friend and now lover. NO! I jumped up forgetting I was in so much pain. I started pacing back and forth with only a big shirt on. Did I seriously do this ? Was I drunk ? Was I forced ? No! Of corse not I said to myself reassuring.

"Are you okay?" I heard his deep voice and nearly melted

I looked at him with a sly smile and nodded my head.

He looked at me confused "Why were you pacing Kassy?"

"Ahh I-I well I was thinking" I said skeptical

"Come on Kassy don't make this weird"

I looked from the floor to his eyes "Huh? Who's making this weird?!" I said nervously

"You are" he rubbed his head "I mean you wanted this"


"Kassy calm down! Please!"

"I'm sorry Jay" I said plopping on my floor

I heard him take a deep breath and get out of the bed. He came towards me and reached his hand out. I looked up at him and took his hand. He hugged me and I wrapped my hands around his torso hugging back. Kissing my forehead he pulled my hair back from my face.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Kassy... I'm here for YOU! And I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. I love you Kasminè"

A tear fell down my face "I love you too Jaylonè"

We kissed and he picked me up bringing me back to the bed. I laid back and he took control once again. I'm going to just say round 2 y'all read to much of my first time last night.

Later that day we went our separate ways because he wanted to go play basketball with his boys and because Taylor and Chelsea nosey asses wanted to have a girls day out before we have to face David Starr Jordan High School ugh! Glad we only had like a month in a half away before graduating.

*25 minutes later*

I pulled up at the mall in my new car and honestly it felt good to finally have my owns. I grabbed my MK purse and headed in the mall after locking my baby up. They was by the door waiting on me. Lord be with me. Here we go with the questions.

Taylor P.O.V

I notice Kasminè walking from the parking lot before Chels and she had a different walk and step. I liked it ! She know I'm about to be nosey as hell.

"Hey y'all"

"Hey!" I said kinda excited

"Wassup girl" Chelsea said eyeing Kas

"Lord can y'all be anymore obvious!"

We all started laughing

"Cause we ready for you to spill"

"Like right now" Chels added

"Dang can we go sit down at least?!"

They laughed and nodded their heads

Chelsea P.O.V

I was ready to ask all kinds of questions because  Jaylonè had told me about the surprise, but I didn't know it was going to go that far.

Sex, Love, & Basketball : Thuggish LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin