Continued ...

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After my first class was over Taylor and I started walking and while we was walking she gave me directions to my second class.

She stopped and said "Well this my class K, so all you have to do is make the next right, go all the way down and you gone see some stairs, go up those stairs and yo class room gonna be the first one on the left of you."

"Hmm well I think I got it"

"Just hurry up and don't be late"

I started walking and going by exactly the directions Tay gave me. Soon as I made the right I saw Kylan by I guess his locker, but I act like I didn't see him and kept walking. Then I was stopped by a manly hand that grabbed my arm. Then I turned to see who it was and of course it was Kylan.


I knew she was mad at me because the whole first class she didn't once look at me and when I did try to say something to her she would hurry and make conversation with Taylor. After class her and Taylor started walking, but I don't know where to so I just walked passed them and headed for my locker. About 5 minutes later Kasminè came around the corner and kept going like she didn't see me. I hurried up and closed my locker and ran toward her. When I got by her I grabbed her arm and she stopped and pause and turned around and just looked up at me.

"What do you want Kylan?"

"You to talk to me and stop ignoring me!"

"Why in the fuck I should talk to you? Huh?"


"No Kylan! NO! I'm not doing this with you" she stopped and pause with anger "WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!"

"Because it slipped my mind" I paused and looked down at her "I mean I was really feeling you and she just never came to mind."

"Yeah! Mm huh whatever Ky I can't do this with you and I'm not gonna do this with you."

She started walking off and I grabbed her arm again, but this time she jerked away from me. I grabbed the top of my head because could tell that she was really pissed and that I fucked up bad.


I was so pissed off at Kylan because he could've warned my ass that he was seeing someone. After jerking away from him I headed down the side walk and up the stairs and there was my class 305A. I walked in and all eyes were in me once again. The teacher walked up to me and said "You must be Ms.Balitorè?"

"Yes sir!" I said as we shook hands.

"Well welcome to your new advance algebra math class I'm Mr.Monroe, choose any empty seat you like."

"Thanks and okay"

I decided to sit in the front corner so I could hear and understand everything. When I took my seat a guy on side of me said "Wassup you cute ma"

I started smiling and said "Hey and thanks." He was so cute he was caramel with dimples and pretty straight teeth.

"I'm Jamar" He said looking me up and down.

"Nice to meet you Jamar, Im Kasminè"

"Damn ma that's a really pretty name."

I started smiling even more until the teacher cleared his throat. He told us to turn our books to page 361. A hour went by and class was finally over. As I walked out the class Jamar stopped me.

"Where you off to now?"

"Ummm History!"

"He started smiling and said "Do you have Mrs.Stevenson?"

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