Chapter 4: Let the party begin!

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After me and Kylan departed I went into a couple more stores like Rainbows, Rue21, Foot Locker, etc. My phone vibrated twice in my back pocket.

Unknown number *wassup ma you can't text a nigga back*
I immediately started blushing because I already knew who it was. I saved his name under CutieK.

Me *sorry I wasn't paying any attention to my phone*
Apparently he had a iPhone 5 because he was texting back hella fast and our text was blue and grey so yeah he had one.

Moments later****

CutieK*you never paying attention lol but wyd beautiful?*

I instantly start smiling and texted back *nothing finna leave the mall and go to McDonalds I guess*

Him *want me to come and meet you? Treats on me unless you scared*

Me *well if you want to*

Him *aight I'll be on my way and btw im by myself shawty*

Me *okay!*

I put my phone up and headed out the mall into the parking lot. After finding the car I opened the trunk and put all the heavy ass bags in there and shut it closed. I unlocked the doors and hopped in and put my seat beat on. Turned on the ignition on and grabbed the gps and typed in the closes McDonald's. After finding it I backed out and follow the direction of the gps.

******10 minutes later******

I pulled up at McDonald's hopped out and locked the doors. "Damn ma that's a nice ass car!" The deep voice sounded so familiar. I turned around to see Kylan looking at my mom car.

"Well thanks" I said.

He looked up at me and started looking me up and down. He smiled and started walking my way.

"Ready to go in" He asked. I just nodded my head up and down. We walked into McDonald's and he was immediately bum rushed by all these females. I was kinda mad and he probably could tell by my facial expression so I decided to keep walking like it had no effect on me. He walked up behind me and said "Why you walked away".

"Because I didn't wanna be in your fans way, that would be rude you know!"

He started laughing and said "Oh really, you can't hide sarcasm ya kno?"

I looked at him and laughed and said "Who said I was hiding it" smirking.

"Man them ain't nothing but some hoes from the school but anyways what you want ma?"
Then women at the register said "Are ya'll ready to order. We both shook our heads yeah.

I said "Can I get uhhhh large fries and a medium sprite. I heard a laugh behind me and I said "What's funny?"

He said "Thats all you want?"

I said "Yeah" and started laughing he stared and me and the women said "Would that be all for y'all?"

He said "Naw let me get a number 3 medium with a powerade."

She said "Anything else for y'all?"

He said "Naw that's it"

"Your total is $13.47" she said. He pulled out a $20 dollar bill and gave it to her. I was all in his wallet. He had so much money. She gave him our cups and we went to fill our cups up. After we did that we went and found a seat. It was kinda hard to find one because it was a lot of people there. We found one in the back corner. We took our seats and he sat right beside I started blushing hoping he didn't see it.

Kylan P.O.V.

Just as we walked in McDonald's outta nowhere the school hoes start running up to me. I looked over at Kasminè she looked a little jealous. I thought that was really cute. She walked away and I told them to get the fuck out my way. They all looked at me and I said "Get the fuck outta my way". As I walked away I heard Connie smart mouth ass say "He only acting like that cause of that bitch!". I just ignored her and kept walking. I walked up behind Kasminè and asked her "Why you walked away?". She didn't even look at me she just stood there then she finally said "Because I didn't wanna be in your fans way, that would be rude you know!"

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