Chapter 3: Meeting new people

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When I looked up I was still smiling hard. He helped me up as I stood up I dust my butt off. He helped me pick my things up and handed them to me.

"Sorry about that" he said.

"No" I stuttered "It's okay it was my fault, I never pay attention to where I'm going" I said in a stutter way.

He started laughing and said "Well it was both of our fault but my name is Kylan but people just call me Ky" He stuck his hand out for a hand shake.

I smiled even harder and shook his hand and stuttered "Kasminè ".

Kylan P.O.V.

I was with my nigga in the mall and we was in Footlocker getting the new J's. He walked out and said "I'm going to Hibbets!" I said "aight nigga hurry back cause I'm bout to roll out!" He nodded his head and ran out.

After I got my J's this nigga still wasn't back so I called his phone and he didn't pick up so I start looking for this nigga and outta nowhere some girl ran into me and fell I wanted to laugh but I held it in and it look like she was finna go the fuck off then I asked her "Are you okay?" She looked up and nodded her head yes. I helped her up and then helped her get all her stuff that fell out her hand off the ground. She was just staring at me in a weird way but I just ignored it.

As she dust her butt off I was checking her out she was fine as fuck. Nice ass body, big ass booty, and a belly button ring that was sexy as fuck. Her hair was in a messy bun and her light brown eyes looked almost hazel was sexy bruh. She was smiling really hard.

"Sorry about that" I said

"No" she stuttered "It's okay it was my fault, I never pay attention to where I'm going" She said. I started laughing a little because she was stuttering and that was really cute.

I said "Well it was both of our fault but my name is Kylan but people just call me Ky" And I stuck my hand out for her to shake it.

She started smiling even harder it was so cute then she stuttered again and said "K-Kasminè" while shaking my hand.

I could tell she was really nervous. So I decided to have a conversation with her because she was fine as fuck and I couldn't pass up this opportunity.

Kasminè P.O.V.

He was so damn fine he stood like 6"1. He was light skin with big brown eyes and he had curly hair that was dark brown. His lips was light pink and he kept licking them. His muscles set out his V-Neck Adidas shirt that instantly caused me to bite my bottom lip. I just wanted to hop in his arms and kiss all over him but I calmed myself down.

He said "Are you from around here?"

"No" I said "I'm from Chicago" I stuttered.

He giggled and said "Oh shit big city girl!"

I laughed and said "Yeah you can say that, I just actually moved down here yesterday".

"Damn and you already exploring" he said laughing. I nodded my head up and down and started giggling.

"Well don't feel alone I been down here for a month now I'm from Idaho" he said.

That's why he so damn fine! I said to myself.

"Oh shit that's far as fuck away from here" I said

He shook his head and said "I know bruh oh well it's life!". Then he asked "What school I was going to and what grade I was in".

I said "David Starr Jordan High school and I'm in the 12th".

He looked so surprised and said "For real tho I go to that same school.

I looked at him and immediately start smiling but before I could say anything his phone started ringing and some Kevin Gates song start playing.

He picked up and said "Where the fuck you at nigga I told yo bean head ass to hurry up!". I heard a deep voice through the phone then Kylan said "Standing across from Victoria secret". I heard the deep voice again and Kylan said "Okay nigga!". He hung up and looked at me.

Me being noisy I asked "Who is that?" He look at me in curiosity and said "My home boy he like a bro to me his name Robert."

I looked at him and said "Oh okay"

He said "Ion wanna seem like I'm jumping too far, but I was wondering can I have your number."

I looked at him in shock and nodded my head up and down really fast. I could tell I was blushing but I didn't give a fuck because he was fine as hell. I gave him my number.

He said "Ima text you now so you can have my number". I nodded okay.

Then he said "There's this big ass party tonight, you should come! It's gonna be a lot of people there and I'll give you the directions".

I said "I'll think about and text you if I decide if I wanna go".

He smiled. OMG! His smile was sexy as hell and he said "Aight ma make sure you text me back". I blushed and said "Okay" and we parted ways.



I think I'm doing pretty well to say this is my first book.
But in the next chapter things get heated. If you are young or don't like reading sexual actions then don't read the next chapter. 😈😈😈
Will she go to the party ? Will she run into Kylan? Find out in the next chapter.
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