Done Had Enough !

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Haven't talk to Jaylonè, Kylan, or Jamar in about week, but who am I kidding I been straight up ignoring Jay and I haven't really been talking to Ky because I didn't want nothing said to me about him. So i decided to go see Jamar while he was practicing today. He had been out the hospital for about 3 days now and I missed him. As they were practicing I went and set on the bleachers while searching for Jamar number.

Jamar P.O.V.

Been out the hospital 3 days and I'm ready out here on this field putting in work. I begged my couch to let me play again because everybody know I bleed white and blue. As we was practicing on the field Adam said "Aint thats your girl Mar?"

I looked up to see Kasminè taking a seat on the bleachers.

I smacked my lips "You know damn well that ain't my girl we just tight"

Adam looked at me with a smirk "Yeah nigga tight in that pussy!"

"Man shut up and stick yo ass to playing football cause yo dumb ass ain't making no sense"

We had only about another 30 minutes of practice left over. Then I saw Chloe walking to the bleachers. Man I really don't have time for her bullshit today.

Chloe P.O.V.

Since I got out of class early today I wanted to go see my boo practice today. We been arguing lately, but it's only because I want what's best for him and that's me of course. I been trying to be cool with Kasminè, but she's pushing it because she act like she always got to be around like damn let my nigga breath. As I was walking across the parking lot I saw Jaylonè and Allison hugging. At first I was shocked, but she always throwing herself on other girls niggas. Nothing new. I just kept walking, but as I was getting closer to the field I could see Jamar and Adam talking and some girl at the bleachers scanning through the football players. But as I got closer I got a perfect vision of who it was. Kasminè! I tried to walk pass her but she spoke.

Kasminè P.O.V.

"Hey Chloe" she stopped and kinda rolled her eyes.

"Oh hey girl I didn't know that was you!"

BITCH! She knew damn well it was me sitting here but whatever.

I smacked my lips "Hmm yeah it's me!"

She faked giggled "Well it was nice seeing you I'm finna catch a seat over here so I can finish watching Mar play"

"Oh for real ? That's why I'm here" I faked giggled back.

"Oh! Okay enjoy the view then!"

She started walking again.


She stopped "huh?"

"What's his number?"

She looked at me in shock and kinda stood there with her mouth a little open.

"Oh honey not his phone number I got that already... I meant his jersey number?" I laughed

She turned red instantly "Fine it your damn self!"

She walked off storming but then she stopped out of no where.

"Or maybe you can ask your boyfriend who's in the parking lot all over Allison right now!" She laughed and kept walking

That bitch lying! I mean she did just come from that way though! Ughhhhh! I grabbed my shit and started walking towards the parking lot. When I got to the lot from a far distance I see Snow White and Jay ... The fuck they got going on out here ?! I starting walking a different angle so they couldn't see me. As I was getting closer I saw him hug her and I took off running towards them dropping all my shit!

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