Feelings Remain Still

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He looked at me with so much lust in his eyes and at that very second I felt my body being pushed into my wall closet and his lips connected to mines. I didn't want nothing more but to kiss him back and I did...

This was the best feeling ever. It felt like an eternity of making out, but i didn't want it to end until we heard laughing coming from down stairs. We stopped and immediately start fixing our clothes and he ran out the closet and set in the chair on the other side of the room. Taylor and Chelsea was coming up the stairs you could tell because it sounded like they were running.

"Are you done?"

"Just about" I said walking out the closet seeing Taylor laying back on my bed

"Damn I thought you would be done by now!" Taylor said smirking

"What?! I couldn't choose what to wear"

Chelsea was still admiring my room and being very nosey.

"This room is nice man"

I laughed "Well thanks" I looked around at everybody "Are y'all ready?"

Everybody shook their heads and we left headed back to the condo.

======== 10 minutes later========

We pulled up in front of the condo, Taylor and I grabbed our bags but Jaylone grabbed my bag out my hand before I could take off towards the room. I turned looking at him. He just smirked and pointed for me to lead the way. We finally made it back to the room and everybody parted going into their rooms. Jaylone walked with me to my room and placed my bag on the bed.

"Thanks Jay"

He came close to me "The pleasure is all mines beautiful"

I smiled but before I could say anything Taylor burst in the room catching us still close enough to kiss.

She stopped in her track and smirked "Am I interrupting?"

"Really Tay?! What do you want?"

"I was seeing is it cool if Robert could stay the night with me?"

"I don't care"

"Okay! Well don't let me interrupt keep going! Bye!" She said closing the door behind her

"Well I should go to my room and start unpacking"

I shook my head "Yeah me too"

He kissed my forehead and walked out the room closing the door behind him. I was still pissed at Taylor for just bursting in like that. I laid back on my bed and took a deep breath. Lord knows I was ready to give myself to him. Being a virgin is kinda hard when you have so many sexy tempting boys like Jaylone. I finally snapped out my thoughts going towards the bathroom to start my bath water.

Kylan P.O.V

Haven't heard from Kasminè since she went off on me in front of everybody. I was missing her like crazy man. I just wanted to see that beautiful face and hear her sweet voice, but I knew I fucked up. I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone 'Damn it's late' I thought to myself. Allison been tripping out on me lately since that day she saw what happen between K and me. I got out her bed and searched for the rest of my shit. After I found all my shit I snuck out her door, down the stairs and out the house door. When I got in my car I got a text from Robert.

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