They reached the end of the corridor and walked out of it.

A warm blue welcomed them and Astrid smiled.

Suddenly, that familiar noise from all the movies were heard and Astrid let go of Hiccup's hand, running over to the window.

Something black appeared at the far end of the huge tank, making Astrid's heart beat fast.

Keiko slowly swam towards the blonde. Astrid gasped.

"He's...he's huge," She gasped out and placed a hand on the glass.

Keiko nudged his nose against the glass, right onto her hand.

Hiccup smiled and pulled out the camera he'd secretly taken with him. He started it and recorded as the two interacted with each other.

Astrid waved at him.

Keiko moved one of his fins, waving back. Astrid laughed which made the orca open its mouth and movie his tongue.

Astrid smiled and looked at her husband, seeing him recording. She waved towards him before turning back to her favorite whale.

Hiccup smiled, seeing his wife interact with a huge animal like that, amazed him.

Astrid spun around slowly. Keiko rolled around before looking at her. Then, he rose to the surface to breath. A few seconds later, he dived towards her again.

He rolled to his back and looked at her, up-side-down.

Astrid smiled and jumped when she felt a hand on her back.

"Come on..." Hiccup said with a smile. Astrid waved to the whale and followed after her husband.

Keiko turned back and swam up.


Astrid squealed when they came to the pool itself. Keiko was swimming around there, doing small jumps and stuff like that.

Hiccup wrapped his arm around her waist and led her up to the scene where the whales would swim up on and show themselves.

"Take of your shoes..." He told her simply, letting her go. Astrid did that and walked into the floor with knee-high water.

She was lucky. She had shorts.

Hiccup sat down at a chair a big away, watching. After a car crash, he'd lost his left foot. Now, it wa replaced with a prosthetic but he didn't want to get it rosy.

Keiko's head popped out of the water and he looked at her. Astrid hesitated but walked up to him.

She leaned down and wetted her hand with the water before stretching it towards him.

Keiko rose a bit and touched her hand with his nose. Astrid signed softly and stroke him.

He really did feel like wet rubber.

She stroke her hand over his nose and forehead, almost scraping her nails against his skin.

Hiccup recorded once again.

Keiko placed his front fins on the edge of the floor and became as high as she was.

The blonde stood up and stroke his large head. She really was fascinated by the killer whale.

It was the most amazing and beautiful creature of all.

But, she was glad. He was going to be free soon. He could join other orcas the way he did in the movies. That would be amazing to see live.

But, she could always watch it on the TV.

He was going to be free.

Free Keiko.

(A/N: [1] = I know. Keiko is dead. I love this whale as much as I love every other animal. About two summers ago, I travelled to Norway were they buried him.

It was beautiful. I had travelled there with my mom and my moms friend who's from Norway.

After the two had actually went back to the car to warm themselves, I had walked over to the edge of the water and put my hand inside it, looking ahead of me.

I realized I had begun to cry by the time I had remembered all those moments of him in the movies.

I love you, Keiko! I always will!! ❤️❤️😭😭!!)

- Toothless_NightFury1.

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