Sandstorm-Part 1

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I'm at lunch hanging with my girls and I'm annoyed because from my peripheral version I see Braxton just staring at me.

"Did you hear?" Gaby asks.

"Well that depends, what is it?" Liberty asks eating her mini-pizza.

Gaby looks around mysteriously, leans forward, and says, "You know Brianna? Well she has Chlamydia." We all gasp and Liberty drops her pizza.

"Brianna the slut?"

"Yes, she went to a party, did some dude, and now she the 'mydia." Gaby says waving her hand in the 'I don't care' gesture.

"Well that's what she gets. Hopefully it'll teach her not to be easy like an easy button. Love doesn't stand for Legs Open Very Easily."

"In her case it does. She's lucky that thing is curable. Anywho, Nat are you gonna come back to Imprint?" Lexi asks with a puppy dog pout.

"Not sure....maybe...I do miss the dancing and practices."

"Well, we miss you. We don't even practice anymore because Braxton is moping. We're splitting. It's not even the same anymore. It's like we're all becoming our own fingerprint identity like ones that aren't swirly. They're just lines." I laugh at Liberty's play of words.

"Well things change, people change, and nothing stays the same. "


I'm downstairs watching That '70s Show. "You son of a beech." Fez says with his foreign accent. The microwave beeps indicating my Lean Cuisine garlic chicken spring rolls are done. But before I can reach the microwave, I hear a light knock on the doorbell followed by the doorbell. "Nat open up I know you're home."

"What do you want now...." I mutter to myself. I stop to the door and open it. "What Braxton?"

"May I come in? Just to talk."

I shrug and half-smile. We sit on different ends of the couch. Nobody says anything.

"Well are you gonna say something?" I ask scrunching my lips

"So are you and Mike doing?"

"Is this what you came over to talk about?" He never stops does he!

"No, I'm just asking."

"We're fine. Why?"

"I don't know, just a random question."

"Are you jealous?" I ask with a smirk.

"Yeah of course. Any boy would be jealous if they're trying to win your heart and Coach LaBrandi already has it." I get deer-eyed and burp a little from the gasp I just did. How did he find out?

"What?" I say chokingly.

"Nat don't play dumb. I know who Mike is1 you chose Coach LaBrandi over me! I'm your best friend! He's your teacher! Teacher!!!!!!!" he accuses. "So what is he like 25?"

"NO, he's 21."

"Young cat. Nat you know you and him can get it trouble"

"I don't care, I just really like him." He groans with defeat. "You're not gonna tell are you?"

He shakes his head, "I just can't believe this...I actually love you and you chose the teacher. Please don't tell me you had sex with him. If you have I'm gonna be more pissed because I've been trying to do that for years and-"

"Braxton no we haven't!" I clarify interrupting. It's quiet for a moment then I ask, "SO you're not mad."

"Oh I'm pissed! I'm just hiding it. Just know, I will win this."

I roll my eyes, "Just move on!"

He turns into an ass, "You know I should tell just to be a dick but I love you too much to sabotage you."

"Braxton stop being a jerk off. You're just making it worst." I swear I wanna slap the pretty off his face.

"I'll leave until you admit you still have feelings for me."

"You know what I did. But now I don't think I do anymore."

"Okay Nat whatever. Go ahead and keep denying it. I won't bring up your stupid relationship with 'Mike' if you come to back to Imprint."

"And I if don't?" I threat.

"I'll have to take a trip to Principal Kavannah."

I groan because I really don't have time for his childish games. What choice do I have?

"Okay B, whatever."

Why me...?

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