My Boo

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I park in my driveway at my house. My mom isn't home but everybody from my crew is outside sitting on Lexi's car. I get out my car and try not to make eye contact with them. I swiftly and quickly try to make my way to the door. Incognito.

They scatteredly yell my name making me drop my stuff being startled. My neighbors down the street are looking as they water their plants. Old people are nosy, I swear.

"Natalia, what the hell? They say as they jump off their cars. I keep walking.

"Nat!" Braxton yells with a booming voice. I stop and turn around with my head lowered.

"Why?" Jason asks.

"it had to be done. I'm sorry guys."

"Is this because of Mike?!" Wes unknowingly yells out of anger. We all groan and look at him. This is why we don't tell him things because he unintentionally blurts out things.

Liberty slaps his on the back of his shoulder. "Wes!" I sigh with so much guilt in that little breath.

"Who's Mike?" Braxton asks. Nobody answers. We just twiddle our guilty fingers and stare at our guilty feet. We're all the culprits here.

"Who is Mike?" He asks again except more stern.

"Does it matter?"

"Actually, yes, yes it does."

"Okay, 'Phineas', whatever. I'm leaving now."

"Wait, Nat, you're money." Liberty says handing me ten $100 bills.

"Thanks, I'll see yall around. Oh and don't say anything to him about Mike especially you Jason."

I walk up to my room and look at the window which you can see the front of the house from. I'm watching this whole thing unravel. They're talking so loud that you can hear them from where I'm at.

I see Braxton grab Mikey by his shirt, "Mikey, is it you? I swear if it is."

"No B!" Mikey yells throwing his hands up in surrender."

"Yo, B why do you care so much when you said you just wanted yall friendship to be strictly platonic?"

"Well yeah, but I didn't mean it..." he confesses.

"Well, she's moved on forreal this time. Her and mike been talking for the past month. She was gonna choose you but you messed it up for yourself when you told her you wanted it to be platonic." Lexi explains.

"Will somebody just tell me who the hell Mike is?!" Braxton yells exposing his angry veins.

Wow, the Black race in him is actually coming out. Jason looks like he's urging to tell. Braxton looks up at my bedroom window and catches me watching. He walks to the door and inside my house. I thought I locked it.

"Natalia?" he calls.

I gradually make my way downstairs to him.

"Yes." I stammer.

"Can you just please tell me who he is?" he begs with a more calming voice.

"I can't!"


"I just can't...I like him too much to ruin it just by telling you."

"You can't tell me something simple like this?" he says throwing his hands in the air.

"Believe me it isn't simple. I'm sorry."

"What happened to my old Natalia?" he says stomping out to his car.

Dancing on the Gym Floor(Student/Teacher Relationship)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon