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I was on my bike riding through the city looking at the suspected locations where Wells might be hiding Eddie. We never could really find him. The next day, I went to rehearsal and Barry was at the precinct. After rehearsal, I walk over to the precinct and when I get there I head up to Barry's lab. "Bar, ready to go?" I ask him and he nods putting on his jacket. Then Iris walks into the lab and looks at us, "Hey, Iris." I say and I put on my fake smile and Barry looks at her. "Uh, we're heading out right now. What's up?" Barry asks her grabbing my hand. "Something happened. And I'm not supposed to say anything, but I couldn't keep quiet." she says to us.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"The Man in Yellow, he took Eddie right in front of me." she says and I act shocked.

"Oh, my God." Barry says trying to pull her into a hug but she moves away.

"Iris, I'm so sorry." I say trying to grab her hand but she moves away again.

"Are you ok? Wha-?" Barry asks.

"No. No, not at all." she says.

"No I..."

"The Flash and Hummingbird were there. The Flash told me to go home and he made Hummingbird take me home for safety. He told me not to talk to anyone because they would fix it, but they haven't. I think the police should be out searching for Eddie." Iris says.

"No, Iris, I-"

"My dad needs to know the truth." Iris says.

"I think that the Flash is right. Joe and the cops they're no match for the Man in Yellow, Iris. They would just get hurt." he says and I nod.

"So, you think the Flash and Hummingbird are out there, right now, searching for Eddie?"

"I'm sure they're doing everything they can to find him." I say to her.

"Yeah, well, I'm finding it pretty hard to trust the Flash and Hummingbird right now."

"Well then, trust us. Ok?" Barry says and I smile at her sincerely.

We apologize to her about everything that's happening and we tell her it's gonna be ok. We head out of the precinct and head to S.T.A.R. Labs. When we get there, we say hi to Caitlin and Cisco and see Cisco working on the cameras Wells had used. "Are you planning on keeping all those cameras Wells used to spy on us?" Barry asks. "That's kind of creepy, don't you think?" I ask and Barry nods in agreement. "First rule of mechanical engineering, dude. Never waste good tech." Cisco says and me and Barry chuckle. Then the monitor beeps and Cisco looks at the monitor. "Central City Gold Reserve's under attack." Cisco says and I nod at him. "Gold? That's the case Singh wants us on." Barry says and I look at him. "We'll be right back." I say and we run into the suit room and change into our suits.

I ride on my bike quickly to the gold reserve and Barry runs next to me. When we get there, we see a guy in a mask and body armor holding a machine gun. "You picked a bad day for this, pal." Barry says and we stare at the guy. Barry walks over to him and groans in pain and holds his head in pain too. "Cisco, what's happening?" I ask him and then I see flashes of memories in my head, but they're not my own. Pain floods in my head, but it fades away slowly filling my head with my memories with Barry when we were younger and up to now. I look up at the man and see that he was in pain too, but soon he stands up straight and runs away. "Barry!" I yell and run over to him to see if he was ok. "What was that?" Barry asks and looks in the way the guy ran in.


When we get back to S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin checks our eyes since we said we saw some things. "Your guys' eye movement is normal. No signs of neurological damage." Caitlin says and we nod. "You think the thief might have been a metahuman who put the whammy on you guys or something?" Cisco asks us. "I don't know. When Rainbow Raider got in my head, all I felt was anger. But this was not that. This was... just overwhelming fear." Barry says and I nod. "I felt it too, but it was weird. It seemed to have just faded. I remember seeing memories of the guy, then my memories filled in and the fear and the pain melted away." I say and they look at me.

"Looks like when you both went down, the thief got disoriented too, and Tori did snap out of it a few minutes after." Cisco says and I nod.

"Maybe we all got whammied, but how did Tori snap out of it?" Barry asks

"I don't know myself." I say.

"Then you know how it feels." Iris' voice says behind us and I widen my eyes and face her.

Barry stands up and we just stay quiet and look at Iris. "Hi, Barry, Tori." Iris says to us and I look over to Barry then back to Iris. "Or should I say, the Flash and Hummingbird." she says and I look her with sincere eyes. "Iris can we walk in the other room, please?" Barry asks her and she walks away angrily and I look back at Barry and he nods. We walk out of the infirmary room and into the treadmill room with Iris. Barry was pacing back and forth and I lean on the wall with my arms crossed. "How did you find out?" Barry asks and I wondered the same thing. "When Tori took me home last night, she was comforting me about loosing Eddie and that she knew from experience that once you lose the one you love, you feel like a part of you is lost. That reminded me of the way she acted when you two broke up. You both were acting like you lost a part of you. That's how I knew." she says and I widen my eyes. "I can only imagine how angry you are." Barry says and I nod in agreement.

"I'm not angry, Barry. I'm just disappointed." she says and I hated when she pulled out the disappointment card.

"Does Eddie know?" she asks and I look down.

"Yes, he does." Barry says.

"Is that why he got kidnapped?"

"We don't know. All we know is that Wells took Eddie." I say.

"Dr. Wells is the Man in Yellow?" she asks and I nod.

"Everything he's been doing... helping me... it was all a lie. Wells killed my mom." Barry says and Iris looks at him with a sad look and tears forming in her eyes.

"Is he gonna kill Eddie?" she asks.

"No, he's not. We're gonna get Eddie back. I swear." Barry says.

"Yeah, the Flash said the same thing."

"Look, Iris, you have to believe us. There were so many times we wanted to tell you, especially me. But everything started getting crazy. And we thought Joe was right-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Your telling me my dad knew and he told you both not to tell me?" she asks and me and Barry nod.

"Iris, understand that he was trying to protect you. We all were. I didn't want to see my best friend get hurt. I mean your like a sister to me, Iris." I say.

"Yeah, well, maybe it's time you all stopped." she gets up and walks out of the room.

I look at Barry as he walks over to the treadmill and sits on the steps and I walk over to him and sit next to him. I grab his hand and lean my head on his shoulder, "I know you're feeling it too, Bar. You're feeling like you just broke her heart into smithereens." I say to him. Barry texted Joe that Iris came over to S.T.A.R. Labs and found out we were Flash and Hummingbird and that we had to tell her everything. Joe had told Barry that he would talk to Iris. Me and Barry change into our normal clothes and go home for the night. I sleep in Barry's room for the night and just hope that Iris would forgive us.

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