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When I get to S.T.A.R. Labs, I see Barry getting dressed in his suit and I look at him in confusion. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Iris wanted to talk to the Streak, so I'm heading over to Jitters to talk to her." Barry says and I roll my eyes. "She wants to talk to you about Tony." I say and Barry nods. "I knew that blog was trouble when she started it." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "Go. She'll tell you everything." I say and he nods and speeds off. I look at Caitlin and Cisco then down at my feet. "Are you ok, Tori?" Cisco asks me and I look up at him. "Kind of." I say and look away from them again. "Is there anything for me to throw?" I ask and they nod and point me to the training room. I walk into the room and that Girder was still there along with some Frisbees and targets. I levitate a Frisbee and shoot it at the target. I don't know why, but I feel like there's something wrong in my relationship with Barry. Like we have flaws with each other even though we've known each other for the rest of our lives.


"Barry, talk to us. What're you doing?" Caitlin asks as we stare at the monitor with Barry's location. "Dude, don't run angry. We don't know how to defeat him yet." Cisco says. Barry stops at the west side of Keystone in a factory that's been closed for 10 months. "Why would Barry be in a factory that's been closed for 10 months?" I ask Caitlin and Cisco. "Because that's where Tony's hiding out." Cisco says and I look at the screen to see the red light. Everything was quiet. We were waiting to hear from Barry on how the factory looks. "This is definitely the place." Barry says and I look at Caitlin and Cisco. Barry stopped talking and I got worried about what was happening to him over there. "We gotta go find Barry. He wouldn't stop talking without telling us something." I say to Caitlin and Cisco and they nod.

We head down to the van and drive over to the factory to look for Barry. "Barry?" I yell and look anywhere around the old factory. "Barry, where are you?" Cisco yells looking in a different spot. "Caitlin, Tori, over here." Cisco says and we run to where Cisco was running to. I see Barry's body under a shelf and I my heart was pounding. "Barry?" Caitlin yells and we both were worrying. "Please say something. Say something so we know you're ok." I say and Cisco starts to pull him out from under there. "Ow." he says and I see that his cheek was bloody and I cover my mouth. "Cisco, get him out of there." I say to him and he pulls Barry out all the way. "Barry, are you ok?" I ask him as Cisco helps him up. "Yeah. Just a little cut and bruised up." he says and I hug him tightly. We help Barry to the van and drive back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

When we get to S.T.A.R. Labs all Dr. Wells could do, while Caitlin was cleaning him up, was yell at him. "I'll heal." Barry says rubbing his eyes in frustration. "You can't heal when you're dead. He could've killed you." Dr. Wells says and starts to roll away. "I know, alright? I know." Barry says angrily as he stands up and walks out of the room. "In the past 36 hours, I've had my ass handed to me twice by the guy that tortured me as a kid. I couldn't stop him then and I can't stop him now. Even with my powers, I'm still powerless against him." Barry says and starts to walk away and I was gonna walk after him when Dr. Wells stops him. "Not necessarily. Cisco." Dr. Wells says and they start to talk about science stuff. He was saying that if Barry hits Tony at the right angle and at just the right speed, he could do some serious damage. "How fast would I have to go?" Barry asks and we look at Cisco.

"Factoring in the metal's tensile strength, estimated dermal thickness, atmospheric pressure, air temp, you'd have to hit him at approximately Mach 1.1." Cisco says and Barry scoffs with a small smile.

"You want Barry to gut something at 800 miles an hour?" Caitlin asks.

"Eight hundred thirty-seven, actually."

"That's faster than the speed of sound."

"I know. He would create a sonic boom, which, as I said before, would be awesome."

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