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I was in the room with Bette and Caitlin when Caitlin found an injury in Bette. "What happened to her?" I ask her. "There's something in her wound where she was shot." Caitlin says and I walk over to them and see that there was something in there. Caitlin picks it out with a pair tweezers and it was a spherical bullet. "It's a tracker." Bette says with wide eyes and I know what that means. Me and Caitlin look at Barry and the others and we hear the computer beep. "Lockdown the pipeline. Get Bette out of here. I'll take care of Eilling." Dr. Wells says and me and Caitlin nod. "Come on. Let's get out of here." I say and Bette nods. Cisco and Caitlin get the van ready and me and Barry help Bette get out. We drive out of S.T.A.R. Labs and go somewhere far from Eiling.

When we stopped, Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry set up a table with frisbees for Bette to throw. She grabs one and I see purple light surround the frisbee and she throws it. It explodes and Cisco and Caitlin take notes on the explosion. "Four hundred twenty-seven kPa's. Her Trauzl rating is around 45. That's the same as any plastique." Cisco says and he realizes something. "Oh no. He's doing it again." I say pinching the bridge of my nose. "'Plastique'. Ha! First try." Cisco says with a laugh and Barry laughs too. I look over to Caitlin as she raises a boomerang, "Didn't really think this one through, did you?" she asks Cisco and he rubs the back of his neck and I laugh. I look over to Barry and Bette as they walk away. "Is something wrong, Tori?" Caitlin asks and I look at her then down at my hands. "Kind of." I say then look back at Barry and Bette. Barry looks back at us then back at Bette. "You know he doesn't like her. He loves you." Caitlin says and I roll my eyes. "I know that. I just need to tell you all something." I say to them and they look confused. I walk with Cisco and I hear Barry talk to Joe. When he hangs up he rubs the back of his head and I look at him confused."What happened?" I ask him and he turns to me and Cisco. "Iris posted about the Streak again. She signed her name on it." he says and I widen my eyes.

"Oh, that's not good." Cisco says and I nod.

"You think. This is big trouble." I say and they nod.

"If one of these bad metahumans we're dealing with figures she knows something-"

"They may target her. I know." Barry says and I cross my arms and look down.

Cisco walks away and I look at Barry and he looks at me. "I'll tell you and the others." I say and grab his hand and we walk to all of the others. "So what do you want to tell us." Cisco asks me and I look at everyone. "Ok, so, I haven't been honest this past month. When Barry was hit by the lightning, I was going to see if he was ok when another force hit me. I didn't see anything happen for a while until a few days after Barry woke up." I say and everyone looks at me in confusion. "See what?" Barry asks letting go of my hand and I bite my lip. "Whatever I show you, just don't be angry, please." I say and everything stays silent. I turn to the table and see the frisbees. I lift my arm and lift the frisbee in the air. I put the frisbee down and look at everyone, but mostly Barry. "How long did you know about this?" he asks and I cross my arms. "For a month now." I say and they all look at me. "Sweet! You have telekinesis." Cisco says but I don't take my eyes off of Barry. "Barry, I didn't want to keep it from you, but-" he raises his hand for me to stop talking. "Just don't. You lied to me for a month and you didn't have the courage to tell me?" he says and I look down at the floor.

"Barry, I'm sorry, but I have a reasonable explanation." I say to him and he just shakes his head and speeds away.

I look at the others and expect them to yell at me, but they don't. "It's ok. Let's get back to S.T.A.R. Labs and run some tests." Caitlin says and I nod. Tears sting my eyes as we walk away. Barry probably hates me for keeping this from him, but I had a reason. And I knew he wasn't ready for this. As we rode in the van I kept crying. I hugged my legs and when I looked up, I saw Bette looking at me. "Can I ask you something?" I ask her and she nods. I unwrapped my arms from my legs and sat upright wiping the tears that were streaming down my face. "How did you know?" I ask her and she looks at me confused. "How did you know I was a metahuman?" I ask her again and she looks down then back at me. "I've worked for the Army for who knows how long. I've seen the look in peoples eyes when they lie and I saw it in you when he said that you didn't have powers." she says and I look down. "So you and him. Are you two a thing, 'cause it sure does look like it." she says and I look down. "I don't know if we are anymore." I say and tears fall down my cheeks again.

I wasn't paying attention to Bette that much, when suddenly, I feel someone sit next to me. I look up and turn my head to the left and I see her there. "I'm sure nothing bad will happen. You both love each other and that's what matters. And if he does decide to break it off, then the only thing you can hope for is to move on, or to hope that you and him find a way to rekindle." she says and I smile. "Thanks." I say to her and she nods. "It's my pleasure." she says and we both ride back to S.T.A.R. Labs in peace and quiet. When we got to S.T.A.R. Labs, I sat on the chair and Caitlin grabbed a syringe and drew blood. Both her and Cisco examined my cell structure and I just sat there in the empty room just thinking of Barry. Suddenly I hear footsteps walk in and I look to see Barry there and I turn away. I hear the door of the room open and close as I hear the footsteps come closer to me. I slowly turn and look up at Barry and tears flow down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you, Barry. I thought that I would tell you when the time was right and-" I was cut off by him kissing me.

When he pulls away, I look at him and notice that our faces were inches apart. "I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. I'm sorry." he says and I smile at him. He kisses me again and I kiss him back and I can't believe that he actually took me back. "Tori." Caitlin calls and me and Barry pull apart and look at her. "We got the results. You may want to look at this." she says and I nod. I get up and Barry grabs my hand and we both walk out of the room. Me and Barry stand in the middle of the room and I look at the monitor. Caitlin explains how my powers come into play and how the particle accelerator affected me. "So a different particle affected me. It wasn't dark matter?" I ask them. "No, it wasn't dark matter. It was light matter." Cisco said and I nod. "I think that you'd be an amazing superhero." Cisco says and I shake my head. "What if I don't wanna be a superhero. What if I want to be an ordinary person?" I ask. "It's probably not a possibility to take away powers-", "I'm not saying that I wanna loose my powers. I'm saying that I wanna keep them, but I don't want to be a hero, maybe." I say and Cisco nods. "I'll see you later, Bar." I say and kiss him. I walk out and head home for the night. I'd rather not hear anymore stuff on my tests until tomorrow.

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