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We walk into S.C.P.D. and Oliver smiles, "Hey, Laurel. Detective. Captain. Captain. Sorry." Oliver says and I laugh quietly. "Don't worry about it. It's been a while." the captain says nodding at Oliver. "Everything ok?" the girl named Laurel asks and I grab Barry's hand. "Oh it's fine. This is uh..." Oliver starts to introduce us. "Bart Allen and Marie Gomez, right? You got hit by a bus or something?" the captain asks us. "Barry. Uh, it was lightning." Barry says and I nod. "Tori. I witnessed him getting hit with lightning." I say and Barry nods. "Huh. We worked together on a case last year." the captain says to Laurel and me and Barry nod. "Barry and Tori are friends. They're in town with the Central City Police Department. And I was hoping you could help them." Oliver says and we look at the captain. I mean, sure, I'm a performer, but when it comes to saving the city, I'll do some cop work.

"Barry will explain." Oliver says again and Barry nods.

"Sure." the captain says.

"Oliver, can I talk to you for a moment?" Laurel asks and Oliver nods and walks with her.

Me and Barry watch as they walk away and I look up at Barry. Barry turns to the captain, "We're looking to track down a suspect you apprehended last year. Klaus Markos? You know where we might find him? None of his last-knowns are checking out." Barry says with a little smirk. "Well, I don't really keep up on the skels I busted, you know. I'm not real sentimental that way." the captain says taking a sip of his coffee. "Ok. What did you arrest him for?" I ask him letting go of Barry's hand and cross my arms. "Uh... Identity theft. He was using some gizmo to steal credit-card numbers for the Bratva, Russian mob." the captain says and I look at Barry and he looks down and nods. Oliver walks over to us and asks if we got everything we need and we nod. We leave the S.C.P.D. and we head back to Oliver's hideout and Oliver said that we'd go after Markos tomorrow night.


The next night we change into our suits and Barry grabs my waist and we look at Oliver and the boy, who's name is Roy, "I can't believe you're a member of the Russian mob." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "Former member, probably. We had a falling out last year. This is where they run their cyber-crime operation." Oliver says to us.

"Hey, nice outfit, by the way." Barry says with a smile and I roll my eyes and smack his arm.

"This place looks like a fortress." Roy says.

"Kalashnikovs everywhere." Diggle says walking up to us.

"Roy, take the southeast corner. Barry, scan the perimeter." he says and Roy and Barry leave.


"I got northwest." Diggle says and I look at Oliver.

"Are you going to be ok?" Oliver asks him grabbing him by his arm.

"You think I'll lose it because Harkness is after Lyla?" he asks Oliver and he just stares at him. "I'm good." Diggle says again and walks away.

I look at Oliver again and he looks at me, "Tori, you're with me. Let's go." Oliver says and I nod and walk with him. Barry speeds past us and I smile at him and see that he took out the men. Barry smiles and walks a little and stops at the door and I turn to Oliver seeing his arm lower from his set of quivers. "I had eight seconds to kill." Barry says and we walk over to him. "Was that wrong?" Barry asks Oliver as he looks around. "You couldn't save a little fun for me?" I ask him and he shakes his head. Oliver walks away and it was just me and Barry, "You may be my boyfriend again, but it doesn't mean that you get to take all the fun out of being a superhero." I say and he nods and pecks my lips. We walk over to Oliver and he breaks the door open with a kick and Markos runs. Barry speeds to the other side, "My friend wants to have a conversation with you." Barry says and Markos runs to another exit and I flip in front of him and I wave at him and kick his chest making him fall back. Barry grabs Markos and slams him on the table and I walk over to them.

Oliver holds up the boomerang and looks at Markos, "You made this for Digger Harkness. I wanna know where he is." Oliver says to him. "Go to hell." Markos says and Oliver takes out an arrow and shoots it at Markos' shoulder. Barry lets go of Markos and we look over to Oliver. "The only thing that hurts worse than an arrow going in is an arrow coming out." Oliver says walking up to Markos and grabbing the arrow in his shoulder. "Hey, what're you doing?" Barry asks Oliver and I look at him. "Getting information. Where is he?" Oliver asks Markos and I shake my head. "I don't know!" Markos confesses and Oliver slowly takes the arrow out of his shoulder. "But he said he doesn't know!" I say to Oliver. "He's lying. If you wanna be able to raise your arm again, tell me where he is!" Oliver yells at Markos. "Here. Harkness gave it to me. It's encrypted. I had an order ready for him. I called, he came. I don't know where he is, I swear. I swear!" Markos says with a cry and Oliver takes the card in Markos' hand and walks away.

After Markos was fixed up, Barry speeds him to the precinct and then comes back. I take off mask and so do the guys and I see that Barry has an angry look in his eyes. "Bar, don't start please." I say to him putting my hand on his chest. "Felicity can crack the encryption. Use this to track down Harkness." Oliver says and I turn to him and bite my lip. "You tortured that guy." Barry says and I nod and look at Oliver. "I interrogated him." Oliver says and I furrow my eyebrows at him and cross my arms and me and Barry scoff. "When our friends said your tactics made you a criminal. We defended you because we thought you were supposed to be a hero." I say to Oliver and Barry nods. "I thought we were supposed to be better than them." Barry says and I nod and we walk closer to him. "Barry, Tori... you both live in Central City... where it's sunny all the time and your enemies get cute nicknames. You guys are not in Central City." Oliver says to us and we nod.

"I live in a city where my best friend was murdered. Where a woman that I loved was shot full of arrows and sent tumbling off a rooftop. Where my mother was murdered right in front of me, so before you-"

"My mother was murdered in front of me too. But I don't use my personal tragedies as an excuse to just torture whoever pisses me off." Barry says.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Barry. I'm not as emotionally healthy as you are." Oliver says and he walks away.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him and we turn to look at him.

"When we agreed you two were staying, we decided that it would be my terms. If that is proving too difficult for you, you know your way back to Central City." Oliver says to us and walks away. I turn to Barry and he looks at me, "What do you wanna do? Head back home? Or stay here and help Ollie?" I ask him and he looks at me and shrugs. "Let's just head back to the hideout." I say to Barry and he nods picking me up and we speed back to the hideout.

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