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The next day I just went out for a slight walk and soon I hear my phone ring. "Hey, Jake." I say and I hear him chuckle a little. "Hey, Where are you right now?" Jake asks and I smile. "I'm at the corner of Fremont and Eighth. Why?" I ask with a little laugh. "I just wanted to meet up with you. Stay there. I'll be there as fast as I can." he says and I laugh and hang up. I wait here for a while and soon I see his car pull up and I shake my head and laugh. I get in and he pecks my cheek and I was shocked for a moment. I forgot that he had kissed me yesterday. "So, what exactly are we gonna do?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I don't know. Whatever you wanna do." he says and I laugh.

I told him we should get ice cream and he took us to the ice cream shop. We talked to each other and then, when we finished our ice cream, he pulled me in and kissed me. I hear my phone ring and I try to get it, but Jake grabs my hand trying to tell me to ignore it. But the call could be important. It could be Snart or the Reverse-Flash. "I'm sorry. I have to get this." I say and grab my phone to see Barry again. I walk away and answer the phone, "What is it now, Barry?" I ask pretty coldly. "Come to S.T.A.R. Labs. We need to talk." he says and I roll my eyes. "I'm not in the mood to talk with you right now, Barry." I say sounding angry. "It's about Snart. He stole a painting that was worth a fortune and he has a partner now who has a handheld flamethrower. His partner burned two officers. I can't do this alone, Tori. I need you." he says and I was shocked to hear him say that. I sigh knowing that I'm leaving Jake again and I feel horrible. "Ok. I'll be at S.T.A.R. Labs as soon as I can." I say and hang up. Luckily for me, the ice cream shop was close to S.T.A.R. Labs so I wouldn't have to walk far.

"Tori, I have to go. My mom actually needs some help with some stuff. I'm sorry." Jake says as I was about to tell him why I was gonna leave.

"It's ok. I have to go too. My dad actually told me to head back to the house for something." I say.

"You want me to drive you back?"

"No, it's fine. I'll walk. Besides, walking's good for you." he laughs and nods.

He pecks my lips and walks to his car. I start to walk toward S.T.A.R. Labs and when I get there, I walk into the lab and don't see anyone. "Barry, you here?" I ask looking around the room and then I see Barry walk out of the room with the treadmill. "Where are the others?" I ask and then I see Dr. Wells roll in. "Good. You guys are here. Check this out." Cisco says and I look at him confusingly. He shows us a blueprint like model of the heat gun and explains it to all of us. "Heat Wave." Cisco says that should be Snart's partner's name and I roll my eyes. "Stop doing that." Dr. Wells says and I laugh. "Ok. I measured the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns, right? And while the cold gun achieves absolute zero, the heat gun successfully reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach." Cisco says and I kind of understood it in a way. "So, potentially these two guns could cancel each other out." Dr. Wells says and Cisco nods. "Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams." Cisco says. "You mean, like Ghostbusters?" Barry asks and I glare at him.

"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate. And really quite funny" Cisco says and now I glare at him.

"Don't support him." I say and turn back to the monitor and hear Barry's phone buzz.

I look over to Barry and then he speeds out while picking me up and soon we were at a parking lot outside of Jitters. "Barry, what are we doing here?" I ask him confused to why he brought me here. "Joe called me and said that Caitlin's car was outside of Jitters, but there was no sign of Caitlin." he says and my eyes widen. We head over to the crime scene and see Caitlin's mint green car and part of the car was covered in ice and I know that Snart and his partner did this. "Joe, anything?" Barry asks me and him both worried. "There's no sign of Caitlin." Joe says and I cross my arms and stare at the car. Barry looks back at me and Joe and walks over, "We're getting her back. We have to find Snart." Barry says. "Damn right we do. He's taken this way too far." I say and Barry nods. Looks like Snart messed with the wrong people right now. "Come on, let's go." Joe says and we walk with him to his car.

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