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We get back to S.T.A.R. Labs, I change into my normal clothes, and Caitlin comes to see if we have any injuries. I didn't have any, luckily, but Barry's bullet wound only broke skin. "Guess I'm a lot faster than a speeding bullet." he says and I smack his arm. "It's not a joke, Barry. You could've died." I say and he looks at me with those soft eyes that I love. "But I didn't, Tori." he says grabbing my hand and I stare at him. "Shawna Baez. She can teleport." Barry says and I look over to where he's looking and see Dr. Wells there. "As in, "Beam me up, Shawna"?" Caitlin asks and I nod. Science talk starts to happen in this room and the only thing I can do now is think. What am I gonna do about Jake? Do I wanna get back together with Barry? I love Barry. I know that he loves me, but I don't know what to do. "Tori, are you coming?" I hear Barry ask and I look up at him. "Huh?" I ask confused about what he was talking about. "I'm gonna help Iris. You coming?" he asks again and I nod.

"What exactly are we helping her with?" I ask.

"She needs a story on either one of as the Flash or Hummingbird or on both of us." he says and I nod.

Barry changes into his normal clothes and we speed over to the precinct and see Iris and Eddie come out. "Hey, Tori, Barry." Eddie says and I smile at him. "What're you guys doing here?" Iris asks us and I look at Barry. "I thought I'd see if you wanted some help writing your story for the paper and I brought Tori with me to help." Barry says and I nod. "Oh. That is so sweet. I would love to, but we're going to dinner with Eddie's mom tonight." Iris says and I look at Barry. "And we're late" Eddie says with a smile. "Can we do it another time?" Iris asks and we nod. "So... What now?" I ask Barry and he shrugs and pulls out his phone to call someone. "What bars did Shawna and Clay frequent?" Barry asks and I look at him confusingly. "I was just gonna check them out. See if they fall into any old habits." Barry says and I roll my eyes. He hangs up and I look at him, "Who was that?" I ask him. "Caitlin." he says and I look at him confusingly.

"We are going to a south-side dive bar." he says and I laugh.

"Good. I think I need a drink." I say and he laughs.


It was karaoke night there at the bar and I smiled at all the drunks singing. I didn't have much to drink. I just took tiny sips of my apple martini. The door opens and we see Caitlin walk in looking all fancy. "Wow, Caitlin. You look amazing." I say and she smiles. "Thanks, Tori." she says and I nod. "I don't always dress like a high school principal." she says and we laugh. "So this is where Shawna Baez and Clay Parker used to hang out." Barry says and I look at Caitlin. "It is, according to the files." Caitlin says and I look around. "I thought we could kill two birds with one stone. Look for them and get ourselves back out there." Caitlin says and I smile. "That actually sounds nice. Plus, I needed a drink." I say and Barry laughs. "You ok?" I ask her knowing she's probably thinking of Ronnie or something. "Yeah." she says and drinks Barry's drink. "That is very fast." Barry says and I look at him worriedly. "You drank all of it." I say and I look at Caitlin as she tells the bartender that she wants to start a tab. "This is gonna be a long night." I say and Barry nods.

A few hours later I finished my drink and Barry was gonna ask for two waters for us. "Mr. Barry Allen and Ms. Tori Gomez. Come on down. Or up" I hear Caitlin's voice say and I turn to see her on the stage. I look at Barry and he looks at me with the same eyes. Suddenly Caitlin starts chanting our name and the crowd joins her. Me and Barry stand up and run to her, "You need to sit down and rest." I say grabbing her. "Ok, besides the song I chose was for you two." she says and I let her go and she walks away. I turn to look at Barry with wide eyes and he shrugs. I walk up to the microphone and nod for the music to start. When I hear the music I knew it was Air by Shawn Mendes feat. Astrid.

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