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Me and Barry sit on the steps and I try to calm Barry down knowing that he's still a bit angry. I grab Barry's hand and look at him. "I know that what Ollie did was wrong, Bar, but you know that's how he works here." I say and he nods. "I know, but it's surreal to see him torture someone." Barry says and I nod. "I got him. He's in a warehouse at the corner of Infantino and Adams." Felicity says and everyone walks over to her. "Is that-?", "A.R.G.U.S. by satellite, yeah. Maybe." Felicity says interrupting Lyla.

"Thermographic imaging shows 10 bodies." Felicity says.

"Harkness knows we're coming." Diggle says.

"I can track his cellphone position with this." Cisco says .

"Cisco, you're with Diggle and Roy." Oliver says and me and Barry stand up from the steps.

"We'll race you there." Barry says and Oliver nods at us.

We put on our masks and Barry grabs my waist and we speed to the location. Barry puts me down next to Oliver and ties the men in the other room down. "You're late." Barry says and I smile and laugh at him. I see someone sneak up behind Barry and I use my telekinesis to throw the guy behind Barry into the wall and Oliver shoots an arrow into his shoulder and I drop the guy on the ground. "I knew he was there." Barry says and I smile at him and shake my head. "He's not dead, right?" Barry asks Oliver and I turn to Oliver and he looks at both me and Barry. "Tranq arrow. Same thing I used on you in Central City." Oliver says and I nod. Soon Diggle and Roy walk in and look around. "Cisco has the van running." Diggle says and we nod. "So you've met Harkness' hired muscle." Oliver says to them. "Harkness isn't here." Roy says and I nod in agreement.

"Hey! Where's Digger Harkness?" Oliver asks the men and we all look at him. "Never met him." one of the men says and I look at him in confusion. "But he paid us 10 G's to give you this." the man says again and hands a phone to Oliver. "Ten'll get you 20 that belongs to Harkness." Diggle says and I look at him in confusion. "What does that mean?" Oliver asks Diggle and faces him and so do I. "That Harkness played you." Barry says and I look back at Barry and wonder where Harkness could be. "Guys, come in." Caitlin says in a rushed tone and we all look at each other. "Caitlin, what's wrong?" I ask in my earpiece. "Harkness came here. He escaped, but Lyla got stabbed with one of his boomerangs." Caitlin says and I widen my eyes and look at Diggle to see his eyes widen and he runs out of the building and Roy follows him.


When we get to the hideout Diggle comes running down the steps and to Lyla. "Lyla?" Diggle asks and we all see her on the table with blood on her shirt and she was unconscious. "Lyla." Diggle calls her but her eyes don't open. "She's not moving." Diggle says looking at Oliver worriedly then at Caitlin. "I've got her stabilized, but I can't operate on her here." Caitlin says and Diggle looks back at Oliver. "Barry?" Diggle calls Barry and everyone looks at him. "Starling General's at 8th and Wilcott." Oliver says and Barry lets go of my hand and picks Lyla up and speeds out of the room. Oliver said that he wanted to be alone, so some of them left, but I stayed back being quiet as a mouse. Barry came back and looked at me then saw Oliver leaning on a metal post and we walk over to him.

"This is all my fault." Oliver says and I frown.

"It's really not." Barry says.

"I tortured Markos to give up that phone. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for me."

"I get the feeling you don't say that often." I slap Barry's arm.

"To do what I do, Barry, takes conviction." he turns to face us. "But... more often than not, it's will to do what's ugly. Every time I do that, I'm... I'm trading away little... pieces of myself, so... You asked what's wrong with me, Tori, that's what's wrong with me. Because that part that I'm trading away... is Oliver Queen. And lately I've been feeling like there is... nothing left except the Arrow."

I'll Be There in a FlashOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora