"Theo stop" I said

He grabbed my arms firmly holding me in place "Please tell me, I'll leave you a lone"

"Theo—this time, my problem is personal" I said sternly

"You can tell me anything" he smiled gently at me

"Let me go"

"Tell me"



"Leave me a lone"




"I'M LEAVING" I shouted

"What?" He asked letting me go

"I have to leave" I said

"Lexi why?" He asked concerned

"It's to complicated"

"Shoot" he said

"I'd rather not—but please, please don't tell anyone." I begged

"If it what you want...." He said

I hugged him "thanks you so much"

"Just don't leave too soon" he smiled


The next day at school I got all of the nerds to make me fake id's. I mean what better way right? Thats whats great about being popular.

So after I got all my id's (12) I stayed in my room and researched places for me to go. Obviously I couldn't stay in one place until I was sure I lost them. After a while I gave up and said screw this. I'll wing it. Better not to leave any clues this time anyways.

I flopped down on my bed and my phone went off. I groaned and looked at the caller id. Zach.

I answered "Hey"

"Hi beautiful can you answer the door" he asked

"Yeah hold on" I said

I walked downstairs and opened the door. Zach walked in.

"So I wanted to talk to you" he said

"Yeah?" I said walking to the living room with him following. I sat down on the couch and he sat next to me.

"I just wanted to get everything out of the way." He said

I nodded listening.

"I love you" he said

My face fell and I looked down. "Zach..."

"Lexi, I love you more than anything in this whole universe. You're smart, beautiful, and everything to me." He said cupping my face

"You know I can't" I said quietly and softly

"You can't tell me that you've never felt anything, like when we had sex. You didn't love me—"

"I'm afraid" I said loudly

"Why you know I wouldn't hurt you" he said

"Zach, I'm going to be blunt. He called me" I said tears welling up into my eyes.

"You mean—"

I nodded

He pulled me into a hug and I returned the embrace.

"What did he say"

"He's coming Zach. He's coming after me" I said tears falling down my cheeks

"I have to leave" I told him

"No, Lexi, we can do something" he said

"Look at me" I told him

He looked straight into my eyes. I stared back my vision blurred with tears.

"I'm afraid I'll hurt you. I have to leave to protect you." I told him "I've never said those words to you because I'm afraid for you. I can't lose you."

"Lexi you don't need to protect me from anything" he said

"You have no idea what you're up against"

"Please don't leave" he begged, "I just found you"

"I have to"

"I love you" he said

I stayed silent.

"Lexi you can say it"


"If you're going to leave just tell me once. Tell me that you love me" he said

I looked at his eyes silently.

He stared back with pleading eyes. I couldn't say it.

He got up and walked towards the door I didn't stop him I followed him. He put his hand on the handle and sighed.

"I love you" I told him

He pulled his hand of and faced me. He grabbed my face and kissed me. He bit me lower lip and I opened my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him and his tongue angered my mouth. He took control and deepened the kiss. His hands moved to my waist and he grabbed my ass feeling it. I moaned against his mouth and tangled my fingers in his hair. His fingers slipped in to my jean shorts and I shivered. His fingers made short swirling motions and he played with the rims if my underwear. I pulled his body closer to mine and he pushed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him. I pulled back to breath and we stared at each other. He pulled out his hands and ran his hands instead up my shirt. He placed kisses along my neck and I moaned. His hands reached my bra. He began to kiss me again and carried me to the couch. He climbed on top of me and I began to grind against him. He moaned and I unbuckled his pants. We pulled away and I took off my shirt.

He kissed me again but I pulled away.

"I love you Zach" I said


I woke up on the couch. Zach wasn't there. I sat for a second and heard someone moving. I pulled a blanket up over top of my body.

Zach came in, in his boxers, he gave me a small smile and sat down with some cereal. I snuggled into him.

"I don't want to go anywhere" I sighed

"We don't have to." He said

I gave him a puzzled look as he stood up and costed all the blinds covering them with curtains.

"There" he said wrapping an arm around me.

I smiled and he turned on the TV.

After a while I did get dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I made Zach put on his clothes. We were on the couch watching a movie, someone walked in the door.

"Oh god." Maddie said, "Did you guys have sex on my couch?"

Zach sheepishly grinned. "How'd you know"

"I can smell it from here" she made a disgusted face.

I laughed a little "Isn't the maid coming today?"

"Yep. And it's a good thing too, before mom gets home" she told us

"Oops?" I shrugged smiling

She laughed at me "I'll leave you to alone"

She walked away giving me a small wink.

"I love you" Zach said his face close to mine

"I love you" I said our faces touching

He leaned in.

Right before we kissed Maddie yelled "KEEP IT PG GUYS"

I laughed and looked him in the eyes. He leaned in and kissed me anyways.

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