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Callie's POV

I ran out the door and watched as Zach got into Lexi's truck and leave.

"Zach!" I yelled after him.

Who am I kidding. I should of suspected him and that girl had a relationship, but not one this strong. For all I know they had sex in my bed!

I sighed. What will I do! His mom will murder me! I just need someway to get him back.

Think. Think. Think!

Nothing, great. This will be perfect. Just perfect, Zach's run away to who knows where trying to find his 'true love'. Now I'm stuck with a mess he didn't clean up.


Zach's POV

I get up and I am immediately on the road again. I just want to see her once more, I have too. Just to look at her face and see her smile. To kiss her and feel or at least hope that she loves me too.

I have to find her and that's the only thing I'm positive about right now.


Lexi's POV

I've been thinking. Thinking about if I should start over here. Should I become different. I kind of want to. I want to change myself. I can't stand seeing the same girl that I was in California.

I get up the next morning and immediately barge into Maddie's room. To my surprise she's awake and already dressed like me.

"There's this thing called knocking" she smiled

"Yeah ok, you want to do something really fun?" I asked hopefully

"Hell yes" she smirked standing up

We walk down the stairs and she swiftly grabs keys off the kitchen table and walks out.

"Where too" she asks

"The closest mall" I say as a smile twitches at my mouth.

10 minutes later we are inside a mall in the hair salon.

"Why are we here?" She asks picking up some hair products.

"Well," I said lifting a strand of my hair, "I thought we might as well change this ugly color."

"Oh my god really? What color?" She asked excitedly and dropped what she was holding.

"I was thinking a blonde to red ombré" I say wiggling my eyebrows a little

Her grin grows bigger.

"Oh my god yes!" She says


An hour later I have blonde hair with red. I'd never thought I'd see the day I was blonde but here I am. Life is weird.

Soon enough I'm back in the mansion trying to force myself to sleep. Since I left I've had a feeling the nightmares would come back. Even so I slowly drift into darkness


"Lexi!" I hear a blood curling scream

"I'm coming!" I yelled although I can't see anything as its pitch black

"Lexi" this time I recognize the voice and its Zach

"Zach! Where are you? Zach!" I yell

"Lexi?" This time the voice is Dylan

"Dylan? Where are you?" I say calmer

Suddenly I hear a low deep chuckle. I stop moving. He's here. I know he is. I feel the fear build inside me and my chest tighten.

"Dylan! Zach! Run! He's here!" I scream

I bump into something cold and fragile. It's in many pieces, I can't tell what it is. Then, as if I can magically turn the lights on the come on and I'm staring at the skeleton of Ella.

I scream and back up. It falls to the ground  and dust arises around me. I close my eyes. When I open them its pitch black again.

"Such a pity" laughs a low deep voice. It's him.

I'm afraid and I'm crying. Hard.

"The great, almighty Alexis Carson has fallen. I have to say I don't remember you like this. The last time I saw you your eyes were black and held no regret." He says

"Leave them alone" I manage to whisper into the darkness and my voice seems to echo.

"Do you remember that night, Alexis? Remember how I found my children dead. Lifeless, on the floor?"

I cry harder and coldness fills the air.

"Lexi! Help!" I hear Zach scream

He only laughs more.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I hear Dylan scream

"Stop!" I growl through my tears.

I stand up and I can't move. I bang on whatever force is holding me back. The lights flick on and there he is. Standing there with his hand on Dylan's throat.

"No!" I scream desperate

He laughs and pulls out a knife. The glint is there and I know what is going to happen next.

"No! Stop!" I yell hopelessly

"Lexi!" Dylan screams then he slits Dylan's throat.

"No!" I scream desperately as I bang repeatedly on whatever is holding me back

I sit up with a jolt screaming in a cold sweat with tears running down my cheeks.

Maddie runs in.

"Are you ok?" She asks

I nod my head yes breathing heavy. If he hurts them, I won't be able to live with myself.

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