Chapter 31: Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me

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"I clogged the toilet with toilet paper," I say smiling.
"What that's it?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Sixty-four times." That's when he starts laughing, like full out burst into laughter which causes me to start laughing.

"You-your serious," he says through the laughs.
"Yeah-yeah sixty-four times," which causes us to laugh more and soon we're almost crying.
"I've never been prouder," he says still smiling.

"But I am sensing a pattern," he says sobering up.
"And what's that?" I ask.
"Every time you think Tris is in danger, you turn into a complete and utter jackass," he says while waving his hand in the air laughing.

"I thought I was a complete and utter jackass anyway?" I question hiding my grin.
"That to, I mean I guess I was wrong cause you know I'm always wrong," he says making us giggle. Yeah, Amar is never wrong.

"Finally," I mutter once we see his house without thinking. Once we see the mansion I'm practically ecstatic to get out and find Tris. I try to open the door but it's locked.
"Amar!" I shout and he's staring forward with a smile.
"You are really falling for her aren't you?" He asks looking at me with a kinder smile.
"Of course," I say before running into the house to find her.

To my disappointment I'm not the only one who wanted to see her. All the girls are surrounding her talking to her. I stand at the doorway admiring her. She has the softest smile on her lips as her eyes glisten with wonder. She's listening to the girls tell the story of they broke in and disabled the Factionless security system.

She laughs and that's when I realize the bruise on her head. It's black, purple, and even a little red. My smile fades and guilt floods my entire body. I must've sighed or something because all the girls whip around.

"The boys are downstairs," Shauna says a little to harshly for my liking. I look at Tris who gives me a sympathetic smile and I just smile slightly and leave.

I haven't seen Tris for 4 hours and now when I do get to see her I get kicked out!? I stomp down the stairs and see Tori and Amar talking and Amar turns and smirks at me.
"Got kicked out?" He laughs.
"Shut up," I grumble which only makes him laugh.

I walk into the kitchen and see all the guys. Zeke goes up to me and man hugs me.
"You scared the shit out of me man," he mumbles smacking my back.
"Well I'm glad you made an effort to save me," I joke smiling. That earns a laugh from Uriah.

"Our mom had to lock him in his room," he laughs. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, I think there are five holes in my wall in the shape of my fist," he smiles.

"So how's Tris?" I ask and they all give me a weird look.
"I don't know the girls wouldn't let us in," Zane replies tossing me an apple.

That's when I see my beautiful angel descend the stairs with her friends.
"We were just talking about the play," Tris says to us. A grin spreads across my face. YES the play! We're doing Aladdin except instead of one genie we're doing two, Tris and I.

We always do classics but change them up a bit. Some people say our plays are better than Broadway's, and honestly I agree. Christina is going to be Jasmine and Will is going to be Aladdin. I can't help but secretly hope they feel something during this play. Maybe if they date then Tris and I will expose ourselves. I still feel kind of bad about it. No not kind of, I feel really bad.

"Four are you excited to be the main genie?" I'm snapped out of my thought by Zeke.
"Hey he ain't the main genie!" Tris exclaims.
"Oh please everybody knows that the man is always the main person out of a pair," Zeke says smirking.
"Excuuuuuuussssee ME!" Tris says crossing her arms.
"That's so sexist!"
"I know that's why I said it," he smirks and plops another fruit snack in his mouth.

                   +            +            +

Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherezade had a thousand tales
But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
You got a brand of magic never fails
You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See all you gotta do is rub that lamp
And I'll say

Four tosses the lamp in the air and I catch it and put a hand on Will A.K.A Aladdin's shoulder while handing him the lamp.

Mister Aladdin, sir
What will your pleasure be?
Let me take your order
Jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me
Ha ha ha

We shout the last lyrics and continue on dancing and singing.

Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre d'
C'mon whisper what it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me

Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service
You're the boss
The king, the shah
Say what you wish
It's yours! True dish
How about a little more Baklava?

Have some of column "A"
Try all of column "B"
I'm in the mood to help you dude!
You ain't never had a friend like me

Can your friends do this?

Four spins on his head.

Can your friends do that?

I do a backflip and land in the splits.

Can your friends pull this out their little hat?

Four pulls the monkey that was playing Abu also known as Marlene's monkey, out of a hat.

Can your friends go, Poof!

I spin around and this time am wearing a belly dancing costume.

Well, looky here
Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
And then make the sucker disappear?

So doncha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed
I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
You got me bona fide, certified
You got a genie for your chare d'affaires
I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt

Four pulls out a list and it rolls about 20 feet.

Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh

Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend like me
You ain't never had a friend like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

We stand front and center of the stage holding our arms out, our now blue bodies hardly covered from the wardrobe. Of course Four isn't wearing a shirt and I'm wearing rather tight pants with some wrap around myself instead of an actually bra.

Then the crowd goes wild.

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