Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Thank you cclover16 for supporting Eye Colour!!!


"Amber you up?" Lucy asks.

"Ya, just give me a few minutes." I respond wiping the hair away from my face.

"I'm heading down to breakfast. I'll see you there." She says as she walks out of the room.

I sigh as I lay my head down on the pillow again. Okay, just a few more minutes, and then I'll get up. Just a few more minutes.

I jump up, my heart pounding. I reach over and get my phone. I look down and Jase's name is on the screen. I answer that call that woke me up. "What?"

"I woke you up didn't I?" Jase asks.

"Ya, so?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"You have ten minutes to get down here before you're going to be late for class."

"WHAT!" I scream as I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom and end the call. I start to half ass wash my face then brush my teeth. I don't bother to brush my hair. I just put it into a pony tail.

I go into the dresser and get out shorts, a sports bra, and a baggy shirt. When I'm dressed I put socks on then my runners. I grab my phone and keys then shove both into my bra as I run out the door. I bolt it down the hall. I kinda remember how to get outside where they'll be training us. I mean all I have to do is go outside. How hard can that be?

I take the stairs two at a time. I pass people who laugh at me, or cheer me on. Others look at me like I'm crazy. Which has yet to be determined. When I push my way outside I stop and look around. I was in a court yard that leads into a field. I run over to the group of people crossing it. "Where is newbie training thingy being held?"

A guy laughs. "On the other side of the school." He points to the right side of the school. "Follow the school around back. You should see a group of people." He looks at his phone. "You have four minutes. Good luck.''

I have already started running before he finished his sentence. "Thank you!" I yell over my shoulder. I turn right and see a crowd of people across the field. I kick my running up a notch. My heart felt like it was going to burst, and my lungs were burning for oxygen. But still, I run faster. The group of people get closer with each step. I could see Akira standing next to the boys. I aim for them. I stop next to them as the bell rings. I laugh and drop to the ground. My lungs screamed for oxygen, my legs burn, and I was panting. A thin sheet of sweat on my forehead.

Someone stands over me, blocking the sun. I open my eyes and Jase was standing in front of me. "You were always late to class before. Why do you care now?"

"You're wrong." I pant out. "I always cared that I was late for school, but my parents insisted on breakfast, which made me late. If I am not late then I try to be on time, if I'm late what's the point in rushing, then I don't care." I explain, getting my breath back to normal.

"So you ran all the way from your dorm, to here?" Jay asks.

I nod my head. "I stopped for a couple of seconds because I took the wrong door, and I was lost."

"So you ran two miles in under ten minutes." Akira asks.

"No. Under seven minutes. And I didn't run it, I sprinted it." I explain, as I stop take in frantic breaths of air.

"Damn, I had no idea you were that fast." Jamie says.

I laugh. "Neither did I."

A whistle blows. "Alright, my name is Coach Ben. Everyone is going to start by running a mile. You will be timed." He looks over at me laying on the ground. "Get up! This is no time for sleeping!"

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