Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

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My eyes open, and I'm confused for a couple of seconds until I remember everything. Well, I done goofed. That's for sure. I look around the poorly lit room. An IV was in my hand, and I was in shorts and a baggy shirt. I'm not in any pain, and I'm also not fuzzy like I would be if I had any drugs in my system. I move my hand so I'm lifting up the shirt to see my stomach. When all I see is clear skin, not a scar in sight I blink a couple of times. I gently move my hand across my stomach, when I feel no pain I smile. Thank you healers. I sit up and stretch.

When I hear a couple of pops I swing my feet over the edge if the bed. I look down at the needle in my hand. I rip the tape off before yanking it out. A trail of blood starts to flow down my hand. I grab some paper towel that was on the counter and put pressure on it. I walk out of the room and wander down the hall. I don't see many people as I do, but I do hear voices.

I wander down the hall, walking towards the voices. As the get closer, they get louder. A set of double doors was in front of me. I push them open. Inside was a big table, and almost everyone I know from this school was there. They stop talking and look at me.

Susanna stands up and points a finger at me. "Someone drug her before she goes out of control again!"

I roll my eyes and scoff. "Listen here bitch and listen well. I have trained my powers since I could remember. No one knows about them, and the only time, and I do mean only time I lose control is when a stuck up bitch like yourself slaps me across the face."

"Alright everyone, let's calm down." Nash says.

I walk into the room. "So what's this about?"

"You lost control and almost killed people." M. Jacob states.

"I wouldn't have let that happen." I declare.

"You don't know that, even if you trained everyday, powers can still be unpredictable." Mr. Jacob says.

"Again, I would die before my actions hurt someone." I raise my hand to my stomach. "I think I've already proven that."

"Alright then, Amethyst, we have a few questions for you." Mrs. Piper says. "Come have a seat."

I walk over to the chair, this is going to be long, I can tell. I answer questions after question. They tried to piss me off again, but I wouldn't even blink. Eventually they let me go, but I have to wear this bracelet that tracks my every move. I was walking back to my dorm alone, though I'm pretty sure they have people following me. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

When I get to my dorm I go into my room and drop on my bed. Even though I woke up not that long ago, I was exhausted. Soon sleep claims me.

"Amethyst." A voice whispers in the dark. I can't see anything. I watch as the darkness morphs into a room. It looked like a surgical room. I look around and my eyes see a girl on the table. She has white hair a purple eyes. When she looks at me, I realize it was me. Mom was standing over me, while holding my hand. "Amethyst, I'll be here the whole time."

Suddenly I was laying on the table, strapped down. It was like I was in control, but I wasn't. My head moves to look Mom in the eyes. "Mommy I'm scared."

She strokes my head. "I know honey. But they need to do this so we can go home."

I hear a door open, and people walking. Doctors come to my side and talk quietly with my Mom. Tear fills her eyes as she looks at me. Finally she nods her head. She looks at me with a smile. "They're going to start soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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