Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Thank you Velvet1209 for supporting Eye Colour!!!


I grin as a loud thunder clap shakes the Earth. Rattling the windows. I look out the window, and into the stormy night. The trees were being blown every which way, their branches swinging with no rhythm. The big raindrops hit the ground fast, and hard. Lightning stricks, lighting up the sky. My neon yellow eyes look sinister, as the lightning strikes. My smirk probably doesn't help.

Good thing the pizza I order came just before the storm broke out. I may have had something to do with that. Another lightning blot strikes the ground. I could feel the static in the air, the electricity buzzing under my skin. My favorite weather us probably a lightning storm.

My butt starts to vibrate. I take my phone out of my pocket, and answer. "Hello?"

"I swear to god, if this doll doesn't shut up in the next minute, it's spending the night outside." Jase declares through the phone. I could hear a loud cry over the phone.

"First of all you are not doing that. Secondly have you tried to feed it? And thirdly how the hell did you my number?"

"I know things. But that's not the point. The point is, is that I will take a knife to the doll." Jase threatened.

"You would make a terrible parent. You know that?"

"I'm being serious."

"So am I!" I look at the storm. My eyes go glow as I make the storm calmer. "I'll call my parents, and see if you can come over when the storm calms."

"Okay, bye."


I go through my contacts and call my mom. She's more relaxed about shit like this.

"Hey Amy. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong. Except that I might fail Health."

"What? Why!"

"Well you see. My partner is a complete incompetent fool, and is threatening to throw the doll outside and leave it there. And if he does that, then I will fail Health." I explain.

"So you want to know if he can come over?"


"So you trust him?"

I pause. "Weirdly enough, I do."

"Its fine with me."

"Thanks mom. Love you."

"Love you too honey."

I end the call and press the number that Jase uses to call me. As the phone rings, I make the storm calmer. Just raining, and thundering. "You can come over."

"I will be over in a couple of minutes."

"You don't know where I live." I state.

I hear a chuckle. I could almost feel the smirk on his face. "Like I said. I know things. I'll see you in a few."

Like that he hung up. Okay then. I go into the kitchen and grab another slice of pizza. Hmm, it would be nice to feed him and proper host manners. Well I guess I'll call and order another pizza.


"I can't watch horror movies. I get pissed off at the stupid choices they make." Jase informs me as he eats more pizza. The weather was full on raging again. I got two more pizza's. Mostly because I didn't know what he likes. The doll is sleeping, and has been ever since I took care of it. I feel like if Jase should never become a single parent. Or just not become a parent. Like at all. The tv flickers. The storm has gotten worse. I keep tabs on it. Making sure that it doesn't do to much damage, and that it doesn't get to bad. "Look's like the storm is getting worse. I heard on the radio that its perfect weather for a tornado."

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