Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I dedicate this chapter to raina_grare for supporting Eye Colour!!!


"You look dead." Lacy states as we walk into the dinning hall.

"I'm tired, give me a break. I'm finally relaxing after a week of being tense." I reply.

Lacy leads us over to the table were all the new kids were sitting. Sandy and Brady were sitting practically on top of each other. Food was set out on the table. I start filling my plate.

"I'll be right back." Lacy says as she gets up.

"Are you hurt? Brady asks when she's gone.

I shake my head. "No, I'm fine. Any any cuts that I did have were healed by the doctor."

"I'm sorry for trying to kill you. Apparently I'm a werewolf, and Sandy is my mate. When I thought that you hurt her, I kinda lost it." Brady apologizes.

I laugh. "Don't sweat it. You don't even want to know what I'm capable of when I'm pissed."

"So how has your first day bin so far?" Sandy asks.

"Fine. I di-" I was cut off by a loud hiss and something breaking.

"You stupid mutt! You did that on purpose you jackass!" A very wet Lacy screams, her cat eyes glowing.

"Did not. You're just clumsy." The guy remarks.

"I'm a cat! It's physically impossible for me to be clumsy!"

"And I'm a wolf. So what?"

"You dumped the entire pitcher of water on me!"

Well that's not nice. I make a small cloud appear above the guys head, and I make it rain. I also force my eyes back to normal so I'm not suspected.

Lacy starts laughing. "Karma's a bitch."

Finally teachers come. "Alright whoever is doing this, knock it off." I make thunder crackle. "I mean it! Or else you have detention!" Oh detention, I'm shaking with fear. I make a rain cloud appear above the teachers head too. Her face turns bright red.

A group of people are laughing hysterically. She turns around and faces the. "I bet you're finding this hilarious! Well guess what Galen Stryker you have detention! Now make this stop!"

"I'm not doing anything! Look at my eyes, they aren't glowing!" The guy Galen defends. He has silver white hair, and brown eyes.

"Well can't you make it stop!"

"Fine." His eyes flash blue, then go back to brown. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" The teacher snaps.

"I mean I can't override their power to take control." The room breaks out into whispers.

The entire table was looking at me. "Don't look at me I'm not doing anything. My eyes aren't glowing." Sandy gives me a disapproving look, but a couple of others were giving me thumbs up.

"Alright, whoever us doing this has had their fun. It's time to stop." Mrs. Piper says. I make it stop raining over the teacher, then a couple of seconds later I make it stop raining on the guy. "Good, now everyone go back to dinner." She and her husband walk out of the room with Lacy the guy, and the teacher.

"Well that was exciting." I state as I take a bite of my food. "And I wander who made it rain over the teacher, which wasn't very nice." A couple of people snicker. I eat the rest of my supper. The table was talking about exploring the school, and their roommates.

"And what about you Amy?" Sandy asks.

"Ya, what did you do today?" Godric asks.

"Well, I was showed my room. Meet my roommate, got cleaned up, then took a nap."

"Aren't you the wild child." Malley states.

"You have no idea." I mutter.

When I was done eating me and Malley get up and leave. Malley is a couple doors down from me. Her gift is shape shifting. Her roommate can fly, as in she has wings. I think that's pretty cool. When we get to our doors we say goodnight then walk inside. I take off my shoes at the door before walking inside. I go into the living room area and turn on the tv. I was about to sit down when their was a knock at the door. I groan as I slowly walk to the door.

When I open it Jase was on the other side, leaning against the door frame. "You do realize that you just put a target on your back."

"What do you mean?"

"You made it rain on not only a wolf, but also on a teacher."

"You have no proof."

"So if I look through the security tapes your eyes will be purple?"

I nod my head. "Sounds about right."

It was silent for a couple of minutes. "So, how are you dealing with everything?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I mean a week ago, we were parents taking care of a baby, a couple of days ago we were on the run from people who wanted to kill us. Now I'm safe and attending school for the freaks. How am I supposed to react to something like that? Scream, cry, yell, denial?"

"Give it time." It was quiet again. "Anyway, I brought you your schedule." Jase holds out a piece of paper.

I take it and look at it. "It just says training."

"All newbies have to go through training. It tells us what level your power is in, how much you know about your power, and what exactly your power is." Jase explains.

"How long can that take?"

"Anywhere from a week to a month."


"And remember tomorrow you're going shopping for clothing, and stuff. I'll see you tomorrow Amber."

"Bye Jase."

As I was about to close the door Lacy appears. "What was Jase doing here?"

"Giving me my nonexistent schedule." She walks in and I close the door. "So how much shit did you get in?"



"Ya, though wolf boy got in shit."

I laugh, then yawn. "Nice. Well I'm off to bed. Night Lacy."

"Night Amber."


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Pakrat out!!!

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