Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Happy New Year!

Thank you KittyClan6 for supporting Eye Colour!!!


I watch as Jase walks around the kitchen. I remember the conversation that he had last night with whoever the hell it was with. But I can't determine if it was a dream or not. Jase feeds the doll and shoves its soother into its mouth.

"So what do you want to do today?" Jase asks.

I shrug my shoulders. The weather is really nice today. Sunny, with no wind in sight. And it's going to be like that all day. "It's nice out. Might as well do something outside." I trail off as my phone beeps. Jules texted me.

Today is nice!! Let's have a play date!!!

"And apparently we're having a play date with Jules and Eric." I say as I respond to the text.


"I'll get the doll ready." Jase informs me.

I nod my head as I text my mom. Goin to the park. I put my phone down and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Jase comes into the kitchen soon after with a bag, and a carrier. I turn around and check the weather just to make sure. When I do this, my eyes always change. It is going to stay sunny all day, will a scatter of clouds. It is going to rain later tonight. Cool. I turn back around and fold a towel.

"We good to go?" Jase asks.

I nod my head and smile. "Ya, I just have to grab my purse."

I run upstairs into my room, and grab my purse and a cardigan just in case. Although I don't really need it for just in case, since I can control the weather. But whatever. Jase waits for me by the front door. I was wearing high wasted white lace shorts, with a black crop top. I put on my black sneakers. If my parents saw what I was wearing, they would flip the hell out. Good thing they aren't coming back home until tomorrow night.

We walk outside and to Jase's car. I put the doll in the back while Jase gets in the front. When I was pretty sure it was secured, I sit in the front. "So how did you sleep last night? With the storm and everything." I ask.

"Good. You?"

"Fine. I just had a really weird dream. I mean I usually do, but this reached new levels." I say while glancing at him.

"Ya? What did you dream about?"

Time to stretch the truth. "I was walking down the hallway in my house, but it never seemed to end. And while I'm walking down the hall, I hear two male voices. One sounded close to yours, but there was another one I didn't know." 

Jase's knuckles tighten over to steering wheel. "That does sound weird. But at least one thing is for sure now."

"Ya, what's that?" I ask.

He glances over at me with a smile a mile wide. "You like me."

I hit him. "Do not!"


"I want ice cream!" Jules yells as soon as my ass touches the ground.

"Then go get it." I say as I lean against the tree.

"But I just sat down." She pouts.

"Looks like you have a problem."

"You will too when I send your parents a picture of what you're wearing." Jules reply's smuggle.

I glare at her. "You wouldn't dare."

"Push of the button."

I groan as I get up. "I hate."

"Hey, we got you some ice cream." Jase says as he and Eric sit down.

I plop back down with a smile. I take the ice cream cone from Jase. "You are now my favorite person."

"And what about me?" Jules asks.

"You blackmailed me into getting you ice cream." I pause as I take a lick. "Close second for the first spot, mostly because I like your style of blackmail."

She grins at me as she eats her ice cream. "So what are we going to do today?"

I snort a laugh. "You're the one who wanted to get together. You figure it out."

"Well we cou-"


A guy with that looks exactly like Jase except he has electric blue eyes comes over and sits down with us. "Hey Jamie, what are you doing here?"

"Thought I would drop by." He looks at the rest of us. "Hey I'm Jamie."

Jules leans into me. "He's so hot, I think he's melting my ice cream!" She whispers into my ear.

"Don't being weird." I whisper back.

"What you're telling me you wouldn't hit that?"

"Jules you're so missing the point!"

Jules sits up and looks at Jamie. "Hey Jamie, if you had to choice between me or Amy, who would you screw?"

I choke on my ice cream. "Jules! You can't just go around asking people that it's rude!"

"Jules." Jamie states.

Jules face turns a deep shade of red. "Well just don't make the doll come to life of you know what I mean." Jules scoffs and shoves me. I look at Jamie and Jase. "You never told me you had a brother."

"Didn't I mention it?" Jase asks not looking me on the eye.

I narrow my eyes. "Not a word. Though you did mention your best friend Beck. Who and I quote 'Is like a brother.' Care to explain?"

"I got shipped out to school when I was younger. Always causing trouble." Jamie explains.

"Sometimes I actually forget that he's my brother." Jase jokes slapping Jamie on the back.

Jules groans and lays on me. "It's so hot!" It is hot out. Hm, I make the wind cold with a light contestant breeze. It lightly blows over is, cooling us down. "Thank god! I thought I was going to die!" I push Jules off of me. She lays on the grass.

Jamie and Jase are looking at me intently. "What?"

"I just thought that there wasn't supposed to be wind today. That's all." Jamie states.

"Well I guess the weather people were wrong. Not like it hasn't happened before."



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Pakrat out!!!

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