Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

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"How was your day?" Mom asks.

"Fine. Are you home yet?" I ask. We were just leaving the dinner where we stopped for supper.

"No, the client wants to buy a house before the leave to go back home. So we are staying here for the a couple more days. Mom explains.

"Sounds good to me."

"We are putting more money in your account for a week."

"Okay cool. I guess I'll see you next week."

"Buy honey."


"You're parents home yet?" Jules ask.

"Not until next week." I state.

Jules pulls me into a hug. "Cool. See Ya Monday."

"See us Monday." I reply. Jules and Eric walk away. When they are in there car I turn around to face Jase and Jamie. "I want answers and I want them now."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jamie states.

I take a step closer to him. "Now why don't I believe you?"

Jase steps in between us. "How about we take this somewhere else?"


I walk over to Jase's car and get in the front. Jamie gets in the back while Jase gets in the driver's seat. It was silence and tense as Jase drove to my house. Halfway there it started to rain. My mood didn't help, as the rain started to hit harder. When we get to my house get out and rush to the front door.

I open the front door and take off my shoes. I hang my purse up on the hook and walks into the kitchen. I turn on the light and two people were sitting at my dinning table. The same people that I saw who were lost and asked for help.

"I knew you two were serial killers." I state.

The women rolls her eyes. "We are here to protect you."

"From what?"

The guys eyes flick to something behind me. Jase and Jamie walk up to me. "From them."

I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Alright. What the hell is going on here?" I demand.

"Meet the Ambrose group." Jase announces nodding to them.

Lightning flashes outside. The lights flicker. "Nice to meet you." I make more lightning strike as I walk around the kitchen. "You know I had a dream last night. It was really weird. And one of the words that was said in my dream was Ambrose and how they were bad. Now, I don't believe in coincidences, but you have to admit it's a little weird." Lightning strikes in the back yard. The lights go out for a couple of seconds and a small fire starts. "But I've heard weirder."

"I've had enough of this." The women stands up and takes out a gun. The guy follows. My breath hitches, and my heart starts pounding. "You are coming with us, or they both die. Choose."

"Fine." I said as I did the only thing I could think of. Thunder crackles through out he sky as a tornado touches down on the ground in the back yard. I grab Jase and Jamie's hand and run to the door leading to the basement. I open the door and push them through. They tumble down the stairs and I close and lock the door behind us. I run down the stairs and close another door. I hurd Jamie and Jase into the panic room my parents built. It's filled with food, water, electricity, games, and another way out. I close us in and lock the door.

I flick on the light. Jamie and Jase look at me like I'm crazy. "We're going to be in here for a while. Might as well get cozy." I say as I sit on the bed against the wall.

Jamie sits down. "Really? A tornado?"

"What? They had guns. What was I supposed to do?"

"Oh, I don't know. How about not create a frickin tornado!"

"It's not like its going to hurt anyone."

"Oh? And how do you know that?"

"Trust me." I say as I lean back and close my eyes.

"Take a nap why don't you!" Jamie yells.

I concentrate on the tornado. I take deep even breaths, until I can see it in my mind, and I can feel it. I watch as it tears apart my house, and street until it's nothing. I suck in my breath as my neighbor runs outside to get his cat. I create strong winds around Jack, deflecting everything that comes his way. I lerch forward. "NO!" I scream as a car is flown his way. The winds get stronger and the car flys the other way. I lean back and control the tornado. I move it down the street, and make strong winds around everything in the subdivision. The tornado moves down the street, only tearing up the street, and some pipe lines.

"Amy." Jase says as he touches my shoulder. I lose focus and the tornado goes for a house. I scramble back and focus again. I take control and move it down the street. I make it less powerful until it disappears. I open my eyes, but things go in and out of focus. Jase and Jamie are looking at me with concern. I look down at my hands which are covered in blood. I look up at the morrow in front of the bed, and blood is coming out in a steady stream from my nose, eyes, mouth, and ears. "Everything's fine." I say as everything goes black.

"Amy! Amy can you hear me?"

I open my eyes and Jase was inches from my face. I smile. "Everything's fine."


So, that happened... What do you think is going to happen next??k

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Pakrat out!!!

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