Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I dedicate this chapter to ShylsA_CheeryPie!!! Thank you for supporting Eye Colour!!!


I groan as my alarm clock blares a song on the radio. I lazily lift my arm and press the snooze button. I start to drift off again as my alarm goes off. I repeat this until I heard banging on my door. "Amethyst! It's time to get up!" I groan lousy back. "Anna, you're not a cavemen! Use your words!"

"I'm up!" I shout back.

"Good! Breakfest will be ready soon!"

I open my eyes and wipe the hair from my face. I look at my alarm clock to see what time it is. 7:23am. Shit! I throw the blankets off of me, and run into the bathroom. I was startled by my grey eyes. I shake my head than focuse on them being their normal purple. Soon the grey had purple mixed in, until it's all purple.

I throw my white wavy hair into a pony tail, than get ready for school. I wash my face, than brush my teeth. I didn't feel like make-up, so I didn't do any. I keep my hair up, than run out of my bathroom. I slip on shirt, and crash to the ground.

"Oh! Shit, that hurt." I mutter as I get up, rubbing my elbow.

I go into my closet and grab a black shirt with white writing on it. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, and my sneakers. I grab my leather jacket, and shove it into my backpack as I run down the stairs. I run into the kitchen, and was about to grab a piece of toast, when my mom called me.

"Anna, come sit at the table."

I walk into the dining room. "I can't. I will be late for school."

"You can't start out the day without eating." My dad remarked.

I side and let my bag hit the floor, before walking over to the table. I slumped into my chair. My mom glared at me until I sat up straight. I put some eggs and sausages, on my plate with a piece of toast. Mom poured some orange juice into my glass. I started to shove food into my mouth, as my parents tools their time.

I was done when they weren't even half way done. "Can we go now?" I ask.

"No. We are not finished eating." My dad replyed.

"Great! I'm going to be late, and Mr. Lark is going to be pissed."

My parents snapped their head to me. "Language! We do not speak those crude words in our house!" My mom scolded.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. They continued to eat, as I checked all my social media accounts. When I was finished with that I started to text Adam, and Jules. I warn them about the rain. When school had started, my parents finished eating.

"Finally!" I huffed as I grab my bag and walk out the door. I walk to the car, and stand by the door until my dad comes out. He unlocks the door, and I climb in. He gets in, puts on his seat belt, and closes the door.

As he pulls out of the driveway, he speaks. "Aren't you going to be hot?"

"No, it's going to rain today." I reply looking at my phone.

"Where did you hear that? It's going to be sunny without a cloud in the sky."

I shrugged my shoulders. The rest of the drive, it was silent as music played in the background. When my dad finally pulled up to my school, I sighed in relief. I grab my back and get out.

"Have a good day." My dad calls.

"You too." I say as I close the door and walk inside.

I walk inside, and go up the one flight of stairs. I walk down the hall while looking at my phone. I walk into something hard, and stumble back as my phone drops to the floor. "Shit!" I exclaim. I pick up my phone and sigh in relief as there isn't any damage. I look up to see the principal and a guy around my age in front of me.

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