Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Well talk!" I demand.

"You never asked a question."

I huff. "Fine. Jase, why did you move here?"

"Because it was my job to come and find you, and bring you back to Caeleste Academy." Jase explains.

"And what is Caeleste Academy?"

"Its a place where people who can do things that you normally can't do. Its basically a school for the supernatural. There they are able to learn more about their powers, and learn how to control them." Jamie clarifies.

I nod my head. "And what are your powers then?"

"I can manipulate fire and electricity. Which is basically one in the same." Jase informs me.

"I can manipulate electricity, and I can shape shift into a leopard." Jamie says.

I blink at Jamie a couple of times. "A leopard? Okay then, moving on. Now what is Ambrose?"

"It's this organization that screws with your genetics. They are trying to make children more powerful. They either do that in a lab when their a kid, so they force two strong powered people to make a kid. If you become to powerful though, they hunt you down and kill you. If ou piss them off, they kill you. If you're to weak they hunt you down and kill you." Jase explains to me.

"So the school sends out people to people who might have powers, so that they can take them before Ambrose does." I say still trying to process it.

"Yes." The brothers say at the same time.

"And what are they called? The people that find and bring back the kids with powers?"

"They have a lot of names, but the one that they are mostly referred to is scout, or scouts." Jamie explains.

"What type of supernatural's are there?" I ask curiously.

"Well there are the ones who can manipulate the elements, those who can shape shift, control the dead, can heal, see the future, fly, disappear and reappear. Then the ones that are most known by humans, but are believed to be myths. The vampires, werewolves, witches, sorcerers, the fey. Although you don't see a lot of the fey. And then ther-" Jamie stops talking when Jase hits him over the back of the head.

''I think that's enough for now. We have a long drive ahead of us. There will be more chances to talk."

I nod my head. "Okay." I take the keys out of my bra and put them in the ignition. I start the car and start driving. "Where are we going now?"

"That's it? We tell you that an organization is out there that wants to kill you, and you want to know where to drive?" Jamie asks.

"Pretty much."

"Well okay then." He mutters.

"I still don't know where I need to drive to." I remind them.

"Well first we need to get to a payphone, and call the school. Then we'll know what to do."

I nod my head. "Would you mind if the payphone is a couple of states over?"

"Not at all." The brothers reply at the same time.

"Okay, y'all need to stop that."

"Stop what?" They asks at the same time.



I yawn and sit up. I think we've been driving for about four days straight. We haven't stopped except for food and gas. We traded the car in for a used one. It was a pretty nice car, well it had to be since the one we traded in barely had any miles on it, and was basically new. I think the car we got is a santa fe sport something or other. I claimed the back seats and sprawled over them the last time I drove. It's night right now, which it shouldn't be, I think. Where the hell are we? I rub my eyes and actually look around. Neither Jamie or Jase were in the car. Instead they were standing by a payphone a few meters from the car.

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