Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"I'll be right back." Jase comments as he walks into the forest.

When I can't hear him walking anymore I get up and go over to his brother. I poke him until he wakes up. He eyes me as I smile at him. "What do you want Amber?"

"I have a question that only you can answer."

He looks at me with amusement. "And what's that?"

"What's Caeleste Academy?"

He laughs. "Let me guess, Jase mentioned it, and now he won't tell you about it."

"Pretty much. Now Jamie be a dear and tell me what it is."

He sits up. "Not happening. But nice try."

I huff and stomp over to my area. I sit down, cross my arms, and pout. When Jase comes back he smirks at me. "Jamie didn't tell you anything did he." I stick my tounge out at him. He rolls his eyes. "Come on, we should get an early start." I get up and and shake out my blanket. When it's leaf free I roll it back up and shove it into my bag. The boys do the same. When we're good to go we make sure the fire is put and leave. Jay gets out a package of nuts and eats them as we walk.

When we get to the road I take out the map from my pocket. "We shouldn't be to far from the barn. Probably about a six maybe seven hour walk."

"What!" Jay bursts out. "Six hours!"

"It's a thirty minute drive. If it takes about an hour to walk five kilometers, and it's thirty kilometers. Then the walk will be a six to seven hour walk."

"It is," Jase pushes up his sleeves and checks the time."8:38 right now, so we should reach the barn by 2:30 possibly." He pauses.

"Why are you trying to kill me!" Jamie whines.

"There is a such things as hitch hiking." I announced.

"You never hitch hike when people with guns are after you. You don't know where they have ears and where they don't." Jase states firmly.

"Alright, chill. It was just a suggestion."

"Well it was a stupid one." Jase snaps as he storms off.

I look at Jay. "Hey Jay, what did I say?"

"Maybe you should mind your own business." Jay also snaps and storms ahead with Jase.

I roll my eyes and look at the map. Wait a minute, if we cut through the forest we'll get there in half the time. I look up to tell the boys about it, but they are to far ahead. Well I'm not running, as I sit down and look at the map more carefully. I take out a map of the forest surrounding us. There should be trails that will take us to the barn, or close to it. It should cut the walking in half. I fold up the maps and look up. The boys were so far ahead they look like ants.

I sit down and wait. I'm not running to chase them. A couple minutes later they turn around, at least I think they did. When they start getting bigger I know they did. When they were writhing yelling distance I get up and start to walk along side the forest. They follow me.

I was ruffle turned around to a pissed off Jase. "What the hell is your problem! Do you want a bullet in your head?"

I yank my arm away. "Do you want to walk a minimum six hours, or do you want to walk a minimum three?"

"What does tha-"

"Pick!" I snap. I have no idea what has gotten into the boys, but I'm not in the mood to deal with them right now.

"The three hour walk, as long as it's safe." Jay says with caution.

"Good. Then follow me." I continue on. When I see an indent in the forest up ahead I slowly jog towards it. When I see its a path, I smile. I take out the map from my pocket and open it. I look at the paths. This should be emerald path, which should connect to the yellow path, which will then was us to the barn. I look around for a sign indicating what path we're on.

"Mind telling us what the hell you're doing?" Jase demands.

"I'm looking for a sign that tells us what path we're on."

"That's not what I meant."

When I see a post sticking up out of the ground and a sign on it saying red path, I cheer for a second before I look at the map. I stop and kneel to the ground. When I find the red path I look at what other paths it connects to. It connects to yellow path, but we have to backtrack for a bit.

"Oh."I say as I get up and fold the map.

"What?" The brothers ask at the same time.

"We are actually much further to the barn then I thought we were. It wouldn't have taken seven hours to walk to the barn if we had followed the highway, it would have taken probably about four. But since we're cutting through the forest it should take shorter and about the same time. And not only that, it will give us more protection."

"How?" Jase asks.

"Because we aren't walking along side a highway were anyone can see us." Jay explains.

"Exactly Jay, I mean Jamie. No one knows where we are, except if we run into people while we're walking." I pause and look at my map. "Plus there should be some outhouses, and water fountains along the way. We can fill up our empty water bottles."

"Look, Amber. We're sorry fo-"

I turn around and look at them. "I don't really care anymore. I get it, I said something that upset you. You snapped and stormed off. That's what happens when people get mad. Get over it." I turn back around trying to pinpoint out exact location.

"Ya but it was-" Jay started to say.

"Like I said Jamie. It's fine."

"Don't be such a bitch." Jase snaps.

I turn around with a raised eyebrow. "I'm being a bitch? I'm just saying that it's no biggie for you two to snap at me and then storm off. It didn't hurt my feelings. There is no point in saying sorry when you don't need to." I turn back around and continue to look at the map.

I look around and see an indent up ahead. I run up to it and do a happy dance when I see it's a map of the forest. I pinpoint our location on the map I have and set off again, with more confidence.


Why so you think Jase and Jamie snapped at her???


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Pakrat out!!!

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