Chapter 2

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Hi all! So I saw the comments from the first chapter and they like MADE my day! Haha! Enjoy….

Harry woke up the next morning his back stiff and stomach rumbling.

“Ron?” he mumbled rubbing his eyes. “Where are those berries you found?”

“He left, remember?” Hermione said gruffly from her bed. She stood up. “I’ll take watch.” She said and not waiting for him to reply, left the tent. Harry noticed that her eyes were red and puffy. She probably didn’t sleep much, he thought.

He stood up and ran his hands through his hair. Last night had nearly been so special, when he had nearly kissed Hermione. An image of Ginny popped into his head. Feeling guilty he shook his head trying to forget her. He had no idea how his feelings for Hermione changed. One minute she was his best friend, now he couldn’t stop thinking about her. She doesn’t like you like that. Harry told himself sternly. Last night, when the backed out, it nearly killed him.

He also had hoped that that argument with Ron had been a dream. That he hadn’t left them, abandoned them.


Hermione came back in hour later; her eyes still red.

“We should get going.” Said Harry.

Hermione nodded and slowly gathered their belongings.  Harry knew she was trying to prolong the moving in case Ron returned. She would run outside eagerly whenever she heard a twig snap outside, then return dejectedly a slowly start to pack again.

Harry copied her, half-hoping to see Ron’s red hair emerge from the trees. Part of him felt sad when he never came, another part glad that he wouldn’t have to face him.

They stood were they had camped, Hermione removing the protective charms from the area. She sighed taking a last look and realizing that Ron wasn’t coming back.

Harry held out his hand to Hermione. She took it without looking at him and they disapparated.

As soon as they arrived she let his hand go immediately and sat on a large rock, with her face in her hands. Harry knew she was crying. He thought he should go comfort her, go hug her, hold her and tell her everyone was going to be ok.

But he didn’t. Instead, he circled the area, putting up the protective enchantments that Hermione normally did.

“Do you want me to set the tent up?” He asked Hermione. She didn’t reply or move.

Taking this is a yes he picked up the beaded bag. “Accio tent.” He murmured and caught it as it zoomed out.

“Need help?” Hermione turned around; her eyes were red and puffy again, like they had been for ages.

Harry shook his head. “Nah I’ll be all right.” He wanted to avoid being her around her now, it would be too awkward.

He put the tent together and walked inside. The locked still around his neck. He held it up and stared at it with an extreme loathing. Sure it was great that they’d found it, but they were as close to destroying it as they were to sprouting wings and flying to mars.

He then felt Hermione tap his shoulder. “Give me the locket.” She said.

Harry turned around and shook his head.

”No, give it to me.”

He shook his head again and turned back around.

“Harry.” Hermione grabbed his shoulders. “You’ve been wearing it for three days, you need a break.”

Promise you'll never leave me [a Harry Potter and Hermione Granger love story]Where stories live. Discover now