Chapter 8

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Jade at side--->


Sophias POV

Hung over. I am totally hung over. My head hurts. My throat is dry and raw from throwing up this morning. The bright light hurts my eyes. I smell even worse.

" Oh god!" I groaned as I curled into a ball under my covers.

" That's what you get for drinking." Jade said from where she's sitting crossed legged besides me watching Netflix while eating Hot Cheetos on my laptop.

Jade arrived very early this morning. Yelling at the top of her lungs. If she didn't have coffee and donuts I might have punched her in the face.

Now for the past two hours she's just watching Netflix and painting her toenails while I try to get some sleep. It's proven difficult when the show she's watching 'Prison Break' is grabbing my attention. Wentworth Miller is one hottie.

" You know last night Daniel changed his relationship status on Facebook to single. Now everyone knows you're broken up." She said out of nowhere.

" What!?" I cried as I shot up in bed. I instantly regretted it as my room spun for a moment.

" Yup. Check on your phone. You'll see it's true."

I look on over to my bedside table and don't see it. Neither do I see it on my bed.

" I don't know where my phone is. Let me see on yours."

She did show me. There on his profile page read single for relationship status. Tears started to fill my eyes. I quickly blinked them away.

" Whatever! Like I give a shit!" I went back to hiding under my covers.

" Uh yeah right! You are so still hung up on him. Here I thought you were getting over him when you said you were with some guy last night when I called you."

My face turned scarlet as last nights events flashed in my mind. Kissing Luciano and those horrible things I told that poor Loretta girl. If only times machines existed.

" I called you?" I say trying to play it off like I don't remember a thing.

" No. I called you. You were so drunk. Said a guy was with you. Who was it? What's his name? What happened?" She pressed with a gleam of curiosity in her eyes.

" Uh I don't remember...?"

" You don't remember?" She looked me over. " You were drunk as hell when I called you. Must've blacked out."

" Uh yeah. Must've." I mutter.

Jade goes back to watching 'Prison Break'. I try to watch and keep up with the story line but Daniel changing his relationship status and what happened last night plagued my thoughts making it impossible for me for concentrate.

There's a knock at my door and it opened to reveal one of the maids.

" Ladies I bought you some food for lunch." She said as she walked in with a tray full of food.

My stomach growled at the sight of the food.

" Oh thank you." I tell her.

" You're very welcome. Anything else I can get for you?" She asked.

" How about those cheesecake Oreo things you do? They're so good!" Jade says.

" Will do."

Smiling the maid walks out my room.

Married To A BeastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora