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" There's no where for you to hide. There's no where for you to run." His voice echoed and bounced off the walls of the stables.

Terrified I tried not to move. To not even breathe in fear that he'll hear me.

I can hear his footsteps. They're heavy against the ground. I can hear him getting closer to where I'm hiding.

Fear filled me. Wide eyed I looked around the stall I took refuge in. There's no horse. It's also clean. There's just a lot of hay. Nothing else.

" Sophia!" He roared my name.

The horses all around neighed and stomped their hooves into the ground. The ground felt as if it were shaking.

Please...please don't find me. I thought as I fought back a sob.

It was almost as if he could hear my very thoughts for the door leading into the stall I'm hiding in was thrown open.

" There you are." He growled as he rushed to me.

" Please! Please don't!" I begged as I moved back until my back hit the pile of hay. It scratched at my arms and legs.

I cried out as he gripped my arms and harshly pulled me upright. One of his arms going around my waist to keep me up against him. I struggled to have him let me go but it was useless.

" I told you not to run. How many times did I tell you not to run!?" He shouted.

Tears are rolling down my cheeks. My chest feels tight. My throat is thick as I'm choking back a cry from how tight his hold is. 

" Answer me!" He shook me once again.

Looking up at him I saw nothing but anger in his eyes reflecting back at me. It scared me.

Taking a deep breath I put my palms against his chest.

" Please Luciano! I-I just wanted to walk around. Get some fresh air." I said in a shaky voice.

" Fresh air? In the middle of the night!" He laughed. It was hard and forced. Not at all pleasing to hear. If not it just sent chills down my spine.

Suddenly he stopped and glared down at me.

" Why are you lying to me!? I know you were going to meet your lover! Your so called Daniel! That's what you were doing huh?" He accused me. Jealously burning in his eyes.

This time instead of fear anger flared up in me.

" Yes! Yes I was going to see Daniel because he's the one I love! I love him!" I shouted at him.

I watched as his face fell. Watched as my words caused him pain. I didn't care. He can rot in hell for all I care.

" Shut up, shut up!" He shouted as tears pooled in his blue eyes.

" I love him! I love Daniel not you! Don't you get it!? When will you ever get it!? I hate you Luciano! You disgust me!" I hissed at him.

His grip tightened even more. It felt as if he were a snake and I a mere mouse he would eat. I had to hold back a whimper.

" Hate me? Fine! Hate me because I don't care! I don't care if you hate me. Hate me for all you want because you're mine. You are mine Sophia. You're my wife and I can do whatever the hell I want with you."


Married To A BeastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora