Chapter 27: Applying For The Job.

Start bij het begin

"Okay Kai..." The white man turned around while speaking and saw my, bright blue eyes going wide as he continued his sentence into his cellphone. "...ser. Kaiser. That's fine. Yes! Everything is fine! The eagle has landed, I mean," he coughed. "The lightning has struck," he whispered in a lower and quieter voice.

He snapped his phone shut and I looked at him suspiciously. He had a mask on, like the kind that makes you not catch a disease, or something like that.

"Hello, Jay Walker." He approached me and held out his hand. I slowly and cautiously shook it. I swear I could hear gears turning.

"Uh, hi?"

"I am Doctor Zander Julius."

I was nervous, but still, that hit my funny bone. I snorted. "Julius? Like the drink? Man, that sounds like you're orange, not white. Kai always hated that drink so one day Lloyd shoved it in his pillow case and Cole screamed that 'monkeys go crazy, because oranges effect the brain,' or something like that and then Kai was insulted because Cole called him a monkey, and Lloyd made things worst by calling Kai a baboon and then Zane walked in as the fight started and got hit in the head with an Orange Julius pillow case and then-"

"Please," Zander put his hand. "Stop rambling. That harms the brain."

Huh. That explains why Lloyds brain is so whacko. 

The doctor scribbled something on a piece of paper and glanced at me every so often with his blue eyes, observing. He kinda looked like he was judging me.

"Doctor," I stuttered. "Do you really want me to just stand here? Like should I sit by the giant exercise ball or maybe do a few push-ups-"

"Just stand there."

Oh. Okay. I moved back the three inches I moved before and stood as still as I could. Chest out, stomach in, chin up. The perfect model. I beamed. Proudly.

"Why do you have a white stripe in your hair? Are you aging to quickly? Are you trying to be a teenager on the street? Did a bird poop in your hair? Did your girlfriend force you to dye it? Is it a disease? Are you contagious?!"

He jumps back a few steps, cowering away from me.

"Uh, no?" I answered. "It's a long story actually! I-"

"Well, make it a short one!" he snapped, scribbling some more. I gulped. Okay....uh....

"First of all-" I tried to start again.

"I said make it short!"

Okay then.

"I don't know, I don't want too, I technically am still a teenager, I think,  I hope not, she would never, I don't think it's a sickness, and you won't get infected," I rambled in two seconds flat.

Zander suspiciously looked me over agin, slowly. Very slowly. Very creepily. Very Zander-ie.

Zander Julius sighed and waved his pencil at me. "Okay. Go over to the blue mat and the coach will see you shortly."

"Coach?" I asked in wonder. The doctor combed his hair back up into a comb over. A little piece of brown hung funny. It kinda looks like Zane's piece of my hair.

"Uh, so are you related to Zane Julien? You kinda remind me of him and-"


I scurried over and the coach came toward me, highfiving the Zander as the doctor left.

Okay? Buddies or something? That reminds me of Ember when-

"Give me fifty! NOW!"

Oh boy.


Hey guys! Hope u liked it.....please leave lots of comments! I loved it, personally!

Did my first exam ever! It was math..... I think I did pretty good :)

Wish me luck for my next exam....English.



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